Page 109 of Bear

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“Mmm,” she murmurs as she faces the waves again.

“Would you marry me?”

“Maybe.” The grin she can’t hide gives her true answer away.

“What can I do to turn that maybe into a yes?” I ask as I cup the side of her face to make her look at me again.

“I-I don’t know yet.”

“I traded in my cut for fake leather.”

Her smile brightens. “You did?” Grabbing my cut, she rubs the fabric between her fingers. “Wow, I didn’t even notice. Thank you.”

“I know you hated the cowhide. Some of the new prospects have chosen it too, even though it means a greater risk of road rash if they crash.”

“Aww, that’s really sweet of them.”

“Sweet of them? What about me?”

“You’re always sweet.”

Climbing on top of her, I push her back down onto the blanket and hover above her, holding myself up with my palms on either side of her head. “You say sweet, and what I hear issoft.”

Reaching around to my upper back, she pulls my weight down on top of her. “You, soft? Never.” The last word is barely a whisper when I’m finally pressing my erection between her legs.

“Would you say I’m as hard as a diamond?”

Lyla grabs the sides of my face to pull my lips to hers, letting them brush against each other. “I don’t know. Never had one.”

Slipping my fingers down into my jean pocket, I pull out the ring.Removing her left hand from my face, I slide it onto her ring finger. After all, she’s already given me a maybe, which is good enough for me.

“Oh my god!” Lyla exclaims. She sits up so fast she nearly busts my nose before I sit back on my heels. “Is that…”

Taking her left hand, I place a kiss on her knuckles. “Let me know when I finally earn a yes?”

“Yes!” she exclaims. Throwing her arms around my neck, she nearly chokes me out before she pulls back to kiss me.

And then, once we both come up for air, her first question is, “I don’t have to invite my sister to the wedding, do I?”

“Absolutely not. That’s up to you,” I assure her. “And you should probably know that ring is the one your dad gave your mother when he asked her to marry him.”

“Oh my gosh,” she says as she holds out her hand to look at it. “I’ve never even seen it before.”

“Your dad was saving it for you. It turns out you really are his favorite. Mine too.”

Beaming at me, she says, “I think I believe you.”

“Good, because I love you more than anything in this world, baby. I can’t wait to prove it to you.”

The End
