Page 16 of Bear

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“Good night, Ly. Try waking up on the right side of the bed tomorrow,” my father says before he offers me my purse and walks away.

Still beaming at me, Thane says, “Are you ready?”

“No, but that doesn’t seem to matter, does it?”

Hefting my purse on my shoulder, I lead the way out the front door, glad to escape the noisy restaurant, even if I’m not fond of my escort.

“I know that you’re not happy about your father trying to set us up,” Thane says as we settle into my car. He adjusts the driver’s seat and rearview mirror while I fasten my seat belt on the passenger side. He’s going to do exactly what my father told him, and I don’t feel like arguing with him over who is driving.

“No kidding.”

He cranks the engine and then backs out of the parking spot. “Don’t tell your father, but I’m not actually interested in dating you either.”

“Oh, wow. That makes me feel so much better!” I tell him sarcastically.

“No, it’s not you. It’s me,” he says as we pull out onto the dark, empty street.

“Right. Sure.”

“I’m serious. You’re beautiful and all, but I’m just not looking for a girlfriend right now.”

“I hear you, loud and clear. You don’t have to make excuses or shower me with fake compliments.”

“Great. So can we just pretend we’re giving this a shot tomorrow? You know, to get your dad off my back?” He doesn’t deny that his compliment wasn’t genuine.

“Why can’t you just tell him you’re not interested in dating me?”

“Because he’ll get pissed. And I’m newly patched in, remember? I’m supposed to do whatever I’m told.”


“So, you’ll be my date at the wedding?”

“Sure. It’s not like I have anything better to do tomorrow, right?”

“Thanks, Lyla.”

Neither of us says anything else for a while before a thought occurs to me. I can’t resist asking Thane, “Did he tell you explicitlynotto sleep with me?”

The biker chuckles without taking his eyes off the road. “Of course he told me not to sleep with you. What kind of dad would he be if he didn’t?”

“And you’re not even the least bit inclined to do it just because he told you not to?”

His head whips around to look at me, causing the car to swerve slightly. “Are you…are you asking me to…”

“No, Thane. Definitely not.”

I don’t want my first time to be with someone who just admitted that he’s not attracted to me.

But I do need to lose my virginity to someone eventually.

I never expected to turn twenty-one and still have my V-card intact.

Going through high school without dating was easy because the boys were so immature. I thought once I got to college that things would be different. That there would be guys there who liked smart and quirky girls.

I was wrong.

I didn’t have a single date while my friends and roommates slept with all sorts of different men, sometimes more than one a week.
