Page 26 of Bear

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“Wait here?”

“Yeah,” I agree.

This is a bad idea, going into my former in-laws’ house while they’re not home to hang out with his youngest daughter. If her father catches me here, well, it won’t matter that she’s a woman in her twenties or that I haven’t laid a hand on her. He’ll still put a bullet through my skull.

But the risk seems worth it because I don’t think Lyla wants to be alone, and she’s too stubborn to admit it.

The light inside the house comes on right before Lyla appears at the windows, obviously trying her best to push either of them up, but neither will budge.

I can’t help but wonder if her father did that on purpose. If so, that’s one hell of a fire hazard.

She points her finger over to the right before disappearing. The light behind a smaller, higher single window comes on. Before I even walk over, I hear the latch click, and then it slides to the side. “Can you fit through this one? I can’t get the others up.”

I consider the dimensions for a few seconds. “Probably, but it’ll be tight,” I say as I also judge the distance from the ground. Since it’shigher than I can reach on my tiptoes, I get a running start to jump up and grab the window ledge. Just as I begin to heft myself up, I realize there’s a problem.

My head and one shoulder go through…before I get stuck.

“Well, fuck,” I grumble. Lifting my neck to see her face, I tell her. “Sorry about the f-bomb.”

“It’s fine. I’m twenty-one, not twelve,” she remarks.

Twenty-one? Really? I keep forgetting that she and Laurel weren’t born much more than a year apart.

“I guess the window is, um, narrower than it looked. I could try to help pull you in,” she offers.

Since I’m not going anywhere on my own, in or out, I agree. “Okay.”

Lyla grabs the back of my cut, which slips right over my head, hanging in my face so that I can’t see a damn thing.

“Whoops,” Lyla whispers.

“It’s fine as long as it doesn’t tear. Remy would chew my ass out if it’s even scuffed. Pull it off my arm to get it out of my face?”


With a little maneuvering, I yank my arm backward so Lyla can get my cut free so it’s dangling from the arm that’s still outside, before she tells me, “You’re too wide. Maybe…maybe you can try and twist your body sideways.”

I wiggle around, getting a few more inches inside.

“Your, um, chest is too wide.”

“No shit,” I snap, getting a little annoyed dangling off the ground.

“I could try pushing you in from outside.”

“You’re probably not tall enough to reach my ass. I had to jump to make it.”

“Oh. Well, then, I don’t know.”

“I don’t either,” I say as I quit flailing around aimlessly to think.

Eventually, Lyla says, “If you take your shirt off, I could grease you up with like oil or something.”

“Do you really think greasing me up will gain any progress?”

“Do you have any other ideas?” she asks. And no, I don’t.
