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And Lyla put on his helmet like she was leaving on his bike with him, agreeing to let him babysit her all day and night.

I was halfway back to Rockland before I eventually realized why Lyla probably needed a ride from the prick.

She didn’t have her glasses.

But instead of asking me for a ride, she picked him. She had her amazing mouth on me one second, and the next was trying to leave with her arms around some other guy.

Blowing out the tires wasn’t one of my best decisions. I’m askilled shooter. No one was ever in any danger, but I didn’t think it through all the way. All I saw was the red haze of jealousy and acted.

That’s why my pride hasn’t let me call Lyla.

It’s been four days since I’ve seen her, spoken to her, tasted her…

I should stop being a pussy and just reach out to her. But if she doesn’t answer, if she avoids my calls and texts like Laurel did for weeks, I might set the world on fire.

So, while my brothers think I’ve got my shit together and am staying away from Lyla to keep the peace, I’m a jumbled-up mess on the inside.

“Where the hell is RJ? We’re in his damn garage!” Remy complains Thursday night, snapping me out of my musings.

All the rest of us are seated around the long, wooden table, waiting to get our meeting started.

My brothers and Greer are slightly less pissed at me today. The OG Savage Kings sent them new bikes from the Harley dealership in Myrtle Beach to replace their damaged ones after they heard about what happened. It was a nice surprise for me since I didn’t have to dip into my savings, but really, I think the mother chapter was just trying to keep the peace to avoid a war. Remy, though, wasn’t thrilled that they are keeping such a close eye on our chapter.

“Does RJ know it’s time, or did he lose his phone again?” Colt asks with a smirk.

“I wouldn’t be surprised if he forgot where he left the damn thing,” Remy mutters.

“At least he’s never lost his cut,” Hugo, the only non-relative at the table, points out, taking a shot at Colt.

“Lesson learned,” he grumbles. “Can’t we just start without RJ, and you can fill him in later?” Colt asks. No doubt he’s in a hurry to get home to Josie.

After the two times with Lyla, I’m starting to remember what it’s like to want to be with someone every second of the day. I hated leaving her Sunday in the parking lot, but if I had stayed, there would’ve been holes in more than that fucker’s bike tires.

Blowing out his tires could have even instigated shit between the Devil Hounds and Savage Kings. I know that now. He was being a dick, and I hated that he was going to be with Lyla while I’m not technically allowed to see her. I guess I just wanted to hurt him a little without shedding any blood.

I’m not sure how long I had zoned out again before RJ finally bursts through the church door.

“There’s…problem. Have to…go!”

He’s out of breath and making less sense than normal.

“What’s wrong?” Remy asks, automatically getting to his feet like the rest of us. “Another bomb?”

RJ shakes his head. “No. Jordan.”

“What about Jordan?” Colt asks since that’s his girlfriend’s eighteen-year-old son.

Our brother’s chest moves up and down rapidly as we gather around him. That’s when I realize he’s not panting from exertion but from panic. “They have him. Want to talk to us.”

“Who has him?” I ask as I grab RJ by the shoulders and guide him down to the closest chair.

“Spit it out already!” Remy shouts.

“Give him a second,” I snap at him before turning back to RJ. “Take a deep breath, bro. In through the nose, out through the mouth. Stay calm. It’s going to be okay.”

“He knows how to breathe!” Remy grumbles.

“He’s upset, so how about you ease up,” Colt suggests. “Trust me, I’m just as anxious as you are to hear what he has to say since it involves my stepson.”
