Page 82 of Bear

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Avery leans closer to whisper, “Since he married your sister?”

“Before that even. I met him first.”

“But you didn’t get to stake a claim before she scooped him up?” Josie guesses.

“Laurel, my sister, she’s the pretty one. The flirt. The one the boys always loved in high school. It was the summer right after she graduated. I thought I would finally be out of her shadow for my senior year. I had no idea she would rope Barrett into marrying her within weeks.”

“Well, he’s with you now,” Avery remarks.

“I thought maybe he was just with me to make Laurel jealous at first, but she still has no idea that we’re sleeping together.”

“Are you going to tell her?” Everly asks.

“At first, I couldn’t wait to rub it in her face, but then I decided that I didn’t want this, me and him, to have anything to do with her. I just hate that she’s the reason he never wants to get married again.”

“Who knows, he could change his mind,” Avery says.


“Well, for what it’s worth, making your sister jealous won’t make you feel any better,” Everly remarks. “I have a sister too.”

“Oh yeah?”

She nods her pretty blonde head. “She slept with Hugo first. I hated that so much when I first found out. It almost tore us apart for good because he kept that little detail from me. But then I realized he didn’t tell me because he didn’t want to hurt me or have it affect my opinion of him. We actually met because of my sister,” she adds with a grin.


“Hugo came up here from Myrtle Beach because he thought her daughter, Harley, might be his.”

“Oh, wow. Was she?”

“No, Harley’s father is Hugo’s best friend, Abel.”

“That sounds…complicated.”

“It was tough to wrap my head around at first, but no matter how angry I was at Hugo, I couldn’t stop thinking about him. I was in love with him by then, so I’m glad he came back and refused to let me push him out of my life and Harley’s.”

“I’m glad it all worked out for you,” I tell her.

“Speaking of my sweet little girl, we better get going. My friend Taylor is babysitting, so I don’t want to stay out too late.”

“Well, it was nice meeting you,” I tell her.

“You too. I hope you stick around,” she replies with a smile before Hugo comes and scoops her up, literally.

“What about you two?” I ask Avery and Josie. “How did you two ladies end up with bikers?”

“That is a long story, definitely not love at first sight.” Avery laughs and adds, “I’m just glad I ended up here in Rockland with Remy and was able to get to know the real him. Sometimes he can be the biggest pain in my ass, but I know he loves me so much he would do anything for me.”

“Same for me and Colt,” Josie says. “My son actually stole his cut, and we met when he came to Myrtle Beach to get it back and offered to let Jordan be his prospect once he graduated high school.”

“Oh. I thought Jordan was RJ’s prospect.”

“He is now. There was a falling-out,” Josie explains. “Colt thought it would be best if RJ sponsored Jordan from then on.”

“And you up and moved here to be with him?” I ask.

“It was scary at first, but it was the best decision of my life,” Josie says with a bright smile directed at Colt. “He may be several years younger than me, but he’s been like the father I always wished Jordan could have.”
