Page 4 of Maverick

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“Whatever you want, I’m not interested. You’re gonna need to leave,” I told her.

“You’re not a very nice man, are you?” I’ll be damned if she didn’t take a step forward. There was a formidable quality about her that was appealing, even if her haughty attitude was off-putting. Still, nothing a good roll in the hay wouldn’t cure.

“Nope. Just do yourself a favor and get out now.”

“I’m afraid I can’t do that.” She punctuated the six words with a sharpness that I hadn’t heard since being in the service.

And I didn’t like it one bit.

Who did she think she was, coming into my place with an attitude?

“Why the hell not?” Christ. I sounded like an impetuous child.

Dressed in faded blue jeans and a tight red tee shirt, the thick leather bomber jacket she wore was the same color as her cowboy boots. In her arms was some kind of rubbery roll, her eyes piercing through mine holding more than just a hint of frustration.

“Because this is exactly where I’m supposed to be. Are you Corporal Ricardo Garcia?” she asked dryly as she closed the door behind her, determined to come into my space. Who the hell did she think she was?

“I was. I’m not that man any longer. And you are?” Let me guess. The hospital had sent some two-bit shrink to tell me that I needed counseling on a regular basis. Fuck that. I’d get through this like I had everything else in my life as of late. Alone.

Stop feeling sorry for yourself, you asshole.

“I’m Nurse Garrington. However, you can call me your savior.” She dropped the roll onto one of the chairs then immediately removed her jacket, allowing me to see the full degree of her hourglass figure, her aroused nipples poking through the thin fabric making my mouth water.

The dim light couldn’t hide her stunning features, my pulse continuing to increase. I had difficulty taking my eyes off her breasts, my cock pressing hard against my jeans. She cocked her head, obviously realizing all the filthy thoughts that were running through my mind. As she breathed in and out, I took a few seconds to appreciate the lushness of her mouth. Her lips were soft and rosy, far too tempting to devour. No matter who she was. That wouldn’t be in my best interest.

“Ain’t no one going to be my savior.”

“Well, that’s going to depend on you, Corporal.” She glanced around the room then purposefully walked toward the double window behind the couch, opening the blinds.

“What the fuck are you doing?” Wincing, I purposely turned away squinting, fighting the rage that was swirling to the surface.

“We need more light, Corporal.” Her answer was matter of fact and it was apparent she couldn’t care less about my personal space.

“Don’t call me corporal. That was a freaking lifetime ago.”

“Then pray tell, what do I call you? Mr. Grumpy works for me.”

“Excuse me?” She’d just challenged me? I tensed all over again, cocking my head to keep from spewing words I might regret.

“Would you prefer Angry Beast?”

My God, the gall of the woman. I had no comeback. Again. Shaking my head, I looked away.

“It’s Snake.”

“Hmm… The nickname suits you. Slithering here and there.” Her eyes opening wide, she sighed and shook her head. I watched in fascination as a warm flush crept along her jaw, slowly trickling up both cheeks. When she spoke again, the tone was less acidic. “That was shitty of me, and I apologize.”

I’d already gotten under her skin. Good. Maybe she’d hightail it out of my place.

“It’s my call sign, but you wouldn’t know anything about what goes on in the military,” I huffed, allowing the irritation I felt to come across loud and clear. Of the four shrinks I’d seen for maybe a day and a half, only one had any knowledge of horrors inflicted during times of war. I could tell she was no different, a precious princess who’d taken up a cause to make herself feel useful in life.

“Why is that?” Her arrogant defiance had returned.

“Because you haven’t spent a single day in the military, facing dangerous situations before breakfast every day.”

She said nothing, which meant I was right.

I took a single step closer, instantly blown away by her light fragrance, the hint of citrus and something intoxicatingly floral assaulting my senses. “Yeah, you heard me. There were times that I couldn’t stomach eating the crap food we were supplied. The stench was just too ripe. And of course, seeing the images of men ripped to pieces, their intestines hanging out wasn’t appetizing either.”
