Page 87 of Maverick

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“Yes, you were a very. Bad. Girl. That’s okay, my pet. I can handle that. I can fix anything.”

When he hauled himself up to a standing position, I scanned the area where he’d brought me. This was a cabin somewhere, complete with luxurious furnishings. Was this his or had he commandeered it just like he’d done before?

I pressed my hand against the side of my neck. My skin was heated, an area swollen. He’d injected me with something. I held my breath, trying to shove the terror aside. There was blood on his shirt. The bullet had hit a mark, even if the bastard was still living.

As soon as he started humming, my mind was pivoted to the horror from before. What was he planning on doing to me?

The moment I shifted in my cage, he swung around, every gesture exaggerated. “Don’t bother to try and escape. I’ve taken measures to ensure you will always belong to me.”

He was even more out of his mind than before. How had he managed to break free of his confines? I studied the area again, memorizing as much as I could.

Then he slammed something metal against the bars, his chest heaving as he peered down at me. “You will keep your attention on me at all times! Do you understand?”

I bit back all the nasty things I wanted to say. “Yes.”

“Do better, pet, or you will pay.”

“Yes, sir.” My throat was tight, my mind still fuzzy. How had this happened?

Huffing, he looked away, hissing several times. Anger rippled through him, his muscles tensing before my eyes. Blood had soaked his shirt and I sensed he was in pain, although he reveled in discomfort, his addiction to using razors and serrated blades a disgusting memory. “It’s a good thing I’m in a fabulous mood. Or you would suffer!” The last few words were screamed at the top of his lungs.

I resisted reacting, glaring at him with all the hatred that had manifested inside me since the day he’d captured me before. ‘Fuck you’ was on the tip of my tongue, but I resisted. That would only set him off.

“Besides,” he added. “I need to concentrate.” He walked stiffly to a table, returning to humming, which was the one action I remembered had calmed him down. I’d even sung to him to soothe the beast living inside him, which had helped me escape twice before.

Somehow, I doubted he would allow that to happen again.

“What are you doing?” I dared to ask.

His body stiffened, but he turned his head toward me seconds later. “You will see. But you should know that anyone who tried to keep you from me will learn a lesson. I can’t wait until we’re all together. If that lover of yours is as smart as he thinks he is, then he’ll find you. If not, then I guess I’ll need to find him.”

A cold shiver skittered down my spine.

The bastard was going after Snake.

No. No.

* * *


Fucking lowlife piece of shit.

That’s all I could think about when I was informed of how Rollington had managed to assume his brother’s identity, obtaining his freedom without questions being asked. Gage’s earlier call had been unnerving, but not nearly as much as the way Apollo had howled the moment he’d trotted inside my cabin.

That’s exactly when I knew that someone had been inside my house.

Not just someone but the worthless freak who’d kidnapped Chasity.

“What the hell do you mean he’s been inside your house?” Gage barked a split second after I told him.

While I wasn’t paranoid by anyone’s standards, I’d learned a long time ago that taking extra precautions to try to protect what was mine was in my best interest. That’s why I used a simple trick to tell me if anyone came inside the windows or doors. A toothpick. Granted, it wasn’t foolproof, but in this case, Rollington hadn’t cared about whether or not his presence was detected. He’d wanted to learn more about me and that’s exactly what he’d gotten, going through some of my things.

I’d become his threat. The fact he knew who I was meant he’d been in town for at least a couple of days. He’d left just enough evidence than an observant man would know his world had just been invaded. The fucker was testing me. “I have ways of knowing, Gage. I set traps.”

“Traps?” He almost laughed. “You can’t know Rollington was in your house for certain.”

“Like fuckin’ hell I can’t. Have you found out anything else?”
