Page 9 of Maverick

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Laughing, I lifted my eyebrows. “You have no idea. My brothers thought I was just a little girl. They soon learned I could best them at almost everything.”

“Oh, yeah?” The way his hooded eyes gazed at me left no room for imagination. His thoughts were entirely inappropriate.

So were mine.

I’d never been so drawn to a man, craving his touch.

Stop it. He needs your help.

My little voice was right, but the swell of longing continued to fight with my rational mind.

I shifted his leg out to the side, pressing down, which forced me to crawl closer to his heated body. “Yes. I’m never going to let any man best me.”

I wasn’t certain why I made the proclamation, other than to warn him that I had no intentions of getting involved.

“Be careful, Chasity. Issuing a challenge of this nature to a man like me might not be in your best interest.”

“I’m always careful but I also get exactly what I need.” I managed to maneuver through a few additional stretches, but I could easily tell he wasn’t pushing himself at all, allowing me to do all the work.

“That so?”

“Yup,” I retorted, then I’d had enough with his brazen attitude. I shifted the maneuver, stretching the muscles of his damaged leg in a different direction.

His reflexes reacted instantly, jerking his body so that I was pitched against him, our lips only a few centimeters apart. His reaction was more chivalrous than I’d thought him capable of, wrapping his arm around me to keep me from tumbling off.

Then he narrowed his eyes, his breathing becoming more ragged than before.

I was stunned how insanely intoxicating his scent was as it filtered straight into my core. I was suddenly hot all over. Swallowing, I dragged my tongue across my dry lips, the feel of his taut body against mine igniting something deep within.

“Be careful there, little Chasity. I don’t want you to hurt yourself.” The sound of his husky voice penetrated every cell and synapse in my body, rendering me virtually useless for a few seconds.

“I… Um…” His lips were soft and moist, the kind meant for kissing at all hours of the day, sucking on well into the night.

Girl, you need to check your libido.

The attraction to him was wild and uninhibited, just like the man. I was lightheaded, still unable to control my breathing.

“What’s wrong, cowgirl? Cat got your tongue?”

That did it, his usual foot in mouth approach breaking the wanton moment. Perhaps it was for the best. Perhaps? Oh, God. I’d fallen down some crazy abyss.

When I scrambled off him, crawling backward by a few feet, he eased his arms behind his head, gazing at me with a twinkle in his eyes. “I’ll repeat my earlier question. Do I make you nervous, sweet thing?”

“Nervous? You? Not a chance, buster.” I rose to my knees, yanking fallen strands of hair behind my ear. He was watching my every move like a hawk, the twinkle in his eyes yanking on the vixen inside of me.

“I’ll offer you a single warning. When I crawl under your skin, which I will enjoy doing, you might be surprised how much you find me irresistible.”

There was no reason for me to shiver at his words, but I did. Although the attraction between us was strong, I couldn’t afford to allow the desires I’d thought long dead to be brought to the surface.

I couldn’t risk that again. I wouldn’t.


That’s the promise I’d made to myself.


Don’t think about it. Let it go. He can’t hurt you unless you allow him.
