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It hits me then that things won’t be like this much longer either. I’m going to start growing and my stomach will protrude. And then I’ll have to make a decision about what to do.

But for now all I want to do is curl up on my comfy chair and read a book and forget about everything else. All I want to do is forget my troubles.



Iturn around at the sound of my name and see Benshobe Ghildumal, the manager of the theater, standing in my dressing room waiting for me.

The manager, who also owns the theater, lights up when he sees me. Benshobe nods at me and gestures for me to have a seat. I sit on my couch and raise an eyebrow, wondering what might be going on.

“I have good news but I’d like to wait for your sister before we discuss it,” Benshobe says. My mind is too preoccupied with Sienna’s well-being to wonder what this meeting is about. I’m still stuck on how she looked when she was here. She looked good. Radiant. But there were also dark circles under her eyes now that I look back and she seemed to wince quite a lot.

Rhovier comes in, looking slightly disheveled and out of breath before sinking down onto the chair next to the couch. “Alright, I’m here,” she says, crossing her legs.

“Let’s get started then,” Benshobe says, grinning. “I’ll start. Ausdrice, we’d like for you to perform here more often. You’re drawing a good crowd and we’re pleased with the revenue you bring in. You’re here three nights a week but we’d like to increase it to five for now and on two nights a week we’re moving you to a later schedule...”

My mind is a whirl. I’m not even paying attention. I can’t pay attention. I’m too worried about Sienna. Her behavior was just so strange. She wasn’t acting like her usual self. She didn’t even stay after to have a drink or chat with Cyra.

Thatreallyisn’t like her. What is she keeping from me? Why is it that she suddenly doesn’t trust me? I don’t understand why she’s so distant out of the blue like this. Sienna is my best friend, we share everything. It’s highly unusual for her to avoid me like this.

I’m very concerned now that she really might be sick. It was more of a strange fantasy talking earlier, something to console myself with but now I’m worried that she’s hiding something big, like a fatal illness.

I don’t even care anymore. I have to speak to her. Should I go try to find her? I know vaguely where she lives but I don’t know her exact address.

All this stress is eating me up inside. Every time I thought we were starting to get closer, it feels like something forces distance between us, makes us take a step back.

“Ausdrice! Ausdrice!” I snap my head up and realize I’ve been completely checked out of the conversation.

“Yes?” I say, trying to pretend I was listening.

“Do you agree to the new schedule, the new hours?” Benshobe asks.

“Yeah, sure, of course,” I tell him, flashing a grin that seems to satisfy him. He pats my shoulder awkwardly before shaking Rho’s hand and leaving.

The second he’s out the door though, Rho turns on me. “What theGlacieswas that?” she demands. “What is your problem? You almost made us look bad! The owner wants to give you more hours, more work here and you drift off like a lazy taura?”

“Sorry,” I say, not entirely sorry. “I was just worried about Sienna. She’s been so off today. Acting totally unlike herself.”

“Are you kidding me?” Rho asks, an eyebrow shooting straight up her forehead. “Seriously? That’s what you’re thinking about right now? Not your career? You were just offered a huge opportunity and you’re thinking abouther?”

“She’s my best friend,” I tell her, frowning.

“You’re way too attached to some human,” Rho snaps. “You need to forget about her and focus on your career!”

“You never liked her!” I yell, getting up and stepping forward, getting into her face. “You’ve always had something to say. I never spoke up because I didn’t want her to think I was fighting her battles for her but I’m sick of the way you’ve been acting towards her!”

“Yeah, well she’s not the musician,” Rho says. “You are. She’s just some expendable human. Get another one in here to replace her and you wouldn’t even notice the difference!”

“She’s not expendable!” I yell, feeling my emotions rising as I stare at my sister, the sister that I always thought of as bossy, annoying but dependable. Now I’m seeing her in a new light.

“Yes she is! She’s a worthless little human bitch!” Rho screams.

My eyes flash dark as I stalk forward, pinning my sister to the wall with one hand on her throat. “So areyou,” I say with a snarl. “You’renothingwithout me,” I remind her. “Or have you forgotten your place, dear sister?”

Rhovier’s eyes widen and she looks shocked to see her normally ‘carefree’ brother so angry. I drop my hand and stalk out of the room, totally done with this conversation. I can’t even talk to her right now without wanting to rip her head off.

How dare she! How dare she say things like that about Sienna! Rho’s never liked her. She’s always annoyed when we spend any time together and acts so offended by the very sight of Sienna’s presence. I wish whatever Rho’s problem was, she would get over it. As long as I have a say in it, Sienna is in my life for good. Especially if I can clear up this misunderstanding between us and properly ask to court her.
