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Miothro’s gaze on me is shrewd.

“Of course,” I say brightly. “I’ll adjust the inventory however you require in the morning, since I promised Annalise I’d meet her after work.”

I don’t mention the children, and Miothro takes the hint. He accepts the profits I hand over to him silently and says nothing about them being lighter than usual. There are many elves who would berate their shopgirls for slow business days, suspecting them of theft, but Miothro trusts me implicitly.

I’ve been so lucky until now.

Ris is still staring at his feet. He hasn’t said a word.

I swallow hard as Miothro counts the coins and makes a notation in his salesbook. He gives the theatre owner a hard look. Oh, gods. He thinks that Ghildumal knocked me up or worse.

He hadn’t asked any questions when he bought out my contract. I never told him exactly who I was running away from, and if I don’t push through this now, he’ll blow a deal that could benefit him immensely. It’s not fair, not after how much he’s helped me.

I turn to leave, and Miothro follows me, shutting the office door.

“Breathe the word and I’ll make both of them regret walking through this door,” he murmurs.

I shake my head.

“I’m not frightened of either of them.” Just the consequences of my own actions. “Ghildumal looks…” I fumble for a diplomatic description, but Miothro just nods in understanding. I never have to watch my words with him. He prefers blunt communication over kindness. “But he’s fair, and he pays on time. I really do just need to meet with Annalise.”

“Are you sure?”

I meet his eyes and nod, and he relaxes.

When Miothro opens the door, Ris finally looks up.

Our eyes meet, his flaring in recognition. A light that was missing from them earlier ignites.

Panic nearly strangles me, but I manage to keep my face impassive as I turn quickly on my heel. I stride out of the shop, breaking into a run across the street as soon as Miothro can’t see me. The street stones slam against the soles of my shoes, and the fine leather might look beautiful but it’s rather impractical for jogging.

Out of breath, more from sheer panic than the brief run, I slump against the wall of my shop and look beseechingly at the darkening sky. Why now? My life has finally fallen perfectly into place. Ezra is safe and happy. I’ve been given more than ever expected in this life—a job with music and without cruel elves snarling orders at me whenever their brother’s back is turned.

I could run again. Miothro would help me, I know it. But I’m comfortable here. I don’t want to run away from this life and start all over again.

What am I going to do?




Like a man in the desert, I drink her in. Same stunning gray eyes, wide with…fear? Hope? It’s an emotion I’ve never seen her wear. She looks more wary than she did when I knew her. Wiser.

Paradoxically, she looks softer than she had before. Well-nourished, with hips my hands are aching to grab. Her clothes are more expensive, well-tailored to her deliciously full form. In all my daydreams of finding her, I never dreamed it was possible for her to become more attractive, but here we are.

She’s safe.

I nearly go boneless with the relief of it. For the past two years, the pernicious fear that she’s starving somewhere, penniless and alone, or trapped by someone cruel, has been a vise around my heart.

I’m nearly on my feet before I can so much as choke out her name, but then the door is closing and she’s running away.


The door shuts with a soft click, and Miothro tilts his head at me.

“Is there anything I can help you with?”
