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Ezra excitedly begins to bang on the wooden besson while I play the corno, showing off a new song from my set. It’s not quite finished yet but it was definitely inspired by my son. He bangs with great excitement while I play and we finish to an enthusiastic round of applause from our “audience”.

“Well done!” Sienna cries out, sweeping Ezra into a hug. “Very well done! Best song yet,” she tells me with a grin.

It’s the best feeling in the world to have her praise. As her eyes land on mine, I can’t help the rush of papillions in my belly. It’s almost as good as when she used to be there to watch me perform at the club but it’s so much better now, because our son is there with us.

“A true musical genius,” she says to Ezra. “You outshone us all.”

“Indubitably,” I agree and we both break into helpless giggles as she dances around the room with him. I pick up my corno and begin to play another song, a quieter one this time. After a few bars, I can tell it’s starting to lull Ezra into a daze. He’s winding down for the day and this seems to help him relax, having me play for him. Once I’m done, he’s settled on the floor and rubbing at his eyes.

“Ready for bed, bubs?” Sienna asks. Ezra kicks out his feet and shakes his head but he yawns widely and we both struggle not to laugh.

“Okay, bedtime for little musicians,” Sienna says. She scoops him up and I follow behind as we take him into his bedroom, getting him ready to sleep.

“Can you pass me his night-clothes?” she asks as she combs his hair. I dig through the wardrobe and pull out a blue sleep shirt and some soft sleep trousers. It looks utterly adorable on him and I can’t stop myself from giving him a kiss on the head.

“My little musical genius,” I tell him. He grins, not fully understanding me but enjoying the praise.

“Time for night-night,” Sienna says. We start by taking turns reading him a story and when that’s done, he has us sing his goodnight song. It’s just a silly ditty that Sienna made up but he loves it.

As soon as he’s out, Sienna leaves while I pick up a few of the toys scattered around his room. When I come out, she hands me a glass of paquir.

I follow her to the living space and we sit on the couch together to sip on the paquir. “Remember that time the bartender dropped all those glasses?” Sienna asks. “I was just thinking about that. In all the time I’d worked there, I don’t think he’d ever so much as tripped. But that one day...”

“Oh gods yes!” I smile, recalling when my friend had accidentally dropped about a dozen glasses. “I have no idea what happened. I think he was distracted by someone. Who knows. But it was the funniest thing!”

“Well what about the time the waitresses all refused to serve that one guy and you helped by picking him up and throwing him out on his ass?” Sienna points out. “You were my hero that day.”

We continue to reminisce about old times and I tease her about the time she wiped my corno with a bar rag and the opening tasted like zhisk the rest of my set. She pushes me away lightly, a grin on her face and I suddenly realize how close we’ve gotten.

Taking a chance, I tuck a strand of hair behind her ear, running my thumb along her cheek.

“I never stopped thinking about you,” I tell her. “I missed you.”

Her bottom lip trembles and I brush my thumb over it as my voice drops to a whisper. “No one else ever came close to me like you. I never stopped waiting for you to come back.”

“What...what would you have done if I had?” she asks.

“Let me show you,” I tell her. I lean in for a kiss, pressing my lips against hers.

Her arms wrap around mine and she pulls me hard against her, her mouth opening up for me. Things are getting heated between us quickly.



As we kiss, my mind is spinning. I forgot how good Ris feels in my arms. I forgot how amazing of a kisser he is. His mouth always seems to send me reeling with just the briefest of brushes. His hands are cupping my cheeks now and I can’t believe how long I denied myself this feeling. How desperately I tried to convince myself not to be with him.

It’s all gone out the window now. All my resolve, all the trying not to pine for him—it’s gone by the wayside. I don’t want to spend another day without him now, not ever again.

But still. I know I can’t have that. Society will frown on us as a couple. His sister might harm our child. I can’t tell him. He might choose her over me.

That would end me. I couldn’t watch him walk away. So I’m content with what we have for now—the two of us, together in secret.

It’s enough. It’s more than enough.

Ris distracts me from my thoughts when his tongue invades my mouth, slipping inside to lick along my teeth and twirl around my own tongue. It pulls a moan from my lips and I fist my fingers tighter into his hair.

He moans as well and it isn’t long before he’s pressing me back against the armrest, kissing me with a ferocity that takes my breath away.
