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With Rhovier a few yards away from me, I start crawling toward Ris and Ezra, the latter of whom is sticking his hand out toward me. Just then, Rhovier goes to hit me. I flinch, bracing my body for the impact.

“Don’t you dare lay another hand on her!” yells Ris, startling us all.

Without haste, I crawl over to Ezra, retreating behind Ris. I pull my son into a tight hug.

“Brother, come on, let’s be rational here,” pleads Rhovier.

“Rational? You’re asking me to be rational when you’re the one who just attacked another person?”

“Sienna is a human!” yells Rhovier. “She’s nothing but a waste of space in Vhoig, what’s it going to take for you to realize that?”

Ris does nothing but laugh, which only seems to further anger his sister.

“Stop laughing at me, you know it’s true! Why do you think I hated her in the first place? All she did was hinder your career!”

“You have no right to speak for me.”

“I always knew you went behind my back, fucking her like the whore she is,” she hisses. “It’s no wonder you got the bitch pregnant with that imp of a son.”

I glare at her as I throw hands over my son’s ears.

“You watch your mouth when you speak of Ezra,” snarls Ris. “And what I do in my own life is none of your business.”

“Are you forgetting I’m your manager?” spits an irate Rhovier.

“I no longer have one.”

“What do you mean you no-”

Rhovier’s eyes widen as it suddenly occurs to her the meaning of her brother’s words.

“No! Ris, don’t do this, please!”

“You’re fired, Rhovier.”

“Think about what this means for me, I have nothing!”

“Well then perhaps you should have thought about that before laying a hand on my family,” growls Ris.

“Mama?” whispers Ezra. “Is bad woman going away?”

“Yes, don’t worry about her anymore,” I reply. “She’s never going to come back.”

Rhovier drops to her knees, throwing her hands together in a pleading motion. Just then, there comes a sudden flash of lightning from above, followed by a deafening clap of thunder.

Ezra hides his face in my shoulder as heavy rain comes pouring down. The sound of thunder almost drowns out Rhovier’s screams of mercy to her brother.

“Don’t do this!”

“I’m done listening to you telling me what I should and shouldn't do. This is something I ought to have done a long time ago… And now, you’re nothing but a useless zagfer with no talent.”

Ris points an accusatory finger at his sister, raising his voice once more.

“If you ever come near my son or Sienna ever again, I promise I’m going to make things so much worse for you!”

Rhovier’s eyes become fired up, watching defiance resurge her body with confidence as she rises to her feet.

“Fine!” she yells, just before another boom of thunder. “You won’t stop seeing me either way, I’ll be back here tomorrow, working for someone else.”
