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“Rhovier…she told me she would hurt Ezra or worse if I tried to trap you into marriage. And the look in her eyes, Ris…I believed her. I knew she would try. I had to protect him.”

Fresh tears fill her eyes and I can’t stand one more minute of this. My footsteps echo in the kitchen as I march towards her, stopping just short of where she stands. We’re both breathing too fast, I can feel her breath stir the hair against my cheek.

“Why didn’t you trust me to protect you?”

Doesn’t she know I would stand between her and a damned pack of batlaz if I had to? I would fight them off with my bare hands. I would fight them until there was no more flesh hanging from my bones.

“I couldn’t make you choose between me and your own sister.”

She looks away, but I reach out to hold her delicate chin steady between my fingers. I need her to hear this. I need her to understand.

“Rhovier did that.” My thumb reaches up to stroke her cheek. “She made me choose, not you. And it doesn’t matter. Don’t you see it doesn’t matter? I will pick you every time. Not just Ezra, although I love him more than my own heart.You. Over anyone else.”

Her lip trembles.

“I’ve been in love with you for years. Can’t you see that?” My voice catches. “I would giveanything–”


How could she not know?

I press our foreheads together and just breathe. It’s over. Rhovier is gone, and despite the odds I found Sienna again. I found more. I found my family.

“Yes, really.” I can’t help but smile down at her. “I’m sorry about my sister. I’m sorry I didn’t know, or guess, or make it clear to you before how much you meant to me. I won’t ever let it happen again. There won’t be a day that goes by that you don’t know I love you.”

Her arms twine against my neck, pulling me down.

“I love you, too.” She gasps a sobbing laugh. “I always have. Leaving you was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do in my life. I never wanted—”

I cut her apology short. “It doesn’t matter. All that matters is that we have each other now.”

I capture her trembling lips against mine, and it feels like coming home.

And this time, I’m staying.



Icontinue planting kiss after kiss upon his soft lips, forgetting about the world around me. In my mind, all that exists is this safe bubble, in which only Ris and I inhabit.

“I love you…” we both whisper in between kisses.

I press my body into his as our tongues start to massage one another. I run my hands through his lavender hair, softly clutching it into handfuls. The scent off of his skin is sweet, quickly becoming all I want to inhale just because it’s him.

My fingers run down the back of his head, stopping when I reach his nape. His skin is as smooth as silk, satisfying to slide my hands back and forth over it.

“You’re all I’ve ever wanted,” he moans into my ear before nibbling the lobe.

For a moment, I lose control, melting into his chest as my body becomes numb. Through his clothes, I feel his muscular body. I raise my lips to his, once more becoming hooked into a passionate kiss.

Ris’ tongue sways from side to side. It tastes better than ever with the fruity tones imparted upon it by the wine. At the same time, he’s clasping his hands around my ass, taking my senses on a wild and sensational ride.

As if agreed prior, our eyes simultaneously. His emerald irises glitter in the reflection of the moon, which itself looks like a small silver coin in his eyes. His pupils then dart to my lips, which then become pulled towards his as if through magnetic magic.

I feel Ris tense his chest, reminded of what lies beneath his clothing for me. In between kisses, I let him know what it is I want.

“Ris… Touch me like it’s our first time all over again…”
