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Istand in front of a mirror, facing the reflection of the dark elf who’s about to pledge himself to the love of his life. I see his face as he takes a deep breath, feeling a sense of stage fright, the same way he used to be prior to his first handful of performances.

This is going to be your biggest show yet, Ris.

Behind me, a fitting assistant named Gedor walks around with measuring tape draped over his neck. He mutters to himself while opening a closet where I hear clothes being shuffled around.

“My attire needs to be perfect, Gedor,” I say, trying to swallow the pit in my stomach.

“Of course sir, this is the most important day of your life. You cannot afford for it to go wrong.”

Thanks for reminding me.

“Give me confidence, Gedor,” I ask, drawing myself up.

“You’re not paying me for a poor job sir. I’ve got just the thing for you.”

He claps his hands together twicer, summoning a pair of zagfer to wheel in a rail. Upon it hangs an arrangement of fancy garments from slacks to suit jackets and everything in between.

“You’re full of surprises,” I remark. “Why bother looking in the closet?”

“To get a better sense of your personality.”

“I haven’t worn anything in those closets for years, I don’t even live here anymore.”

“No need to fret, I’m confident in my choices for you today.”

From the rail, he produces an epaulet, wrapped with a special sheet to keep it clean. He whisks the protective sheet from it and holds it up in full display. To call it magnificent would be putting it lightly.

The garment is bright red with two vertical rows of golden buttons running from the waist to the neck. Two rectangular pieces of fabric were woven on both sides near the top, in between the neck and shoulders.

At the end of them were two golden circular pads, upon which hung tassels. Stitched around the neck were intricate designs. The end of the sleeves were rimmed in black fabric.

“Your white shirt will do just fine as an undergarment, and your black slacks already match. Here, let me put this on you.”

He slips it on me as I look in the mirror again, this time feeling a surge of confidence.

“You look spectacular sir.”

“I only hope to look at least half as good as my wife to be,” I reply, turning to face Gedor. “Thank you.”

“A pleasure sir.”

We bow to each other, then I exit the room into the large foyer of my family’s estate. It’s wide open in space with plenty of room. Pottery, paintings, and other decorations were peppered about.

Had one strolled into this palace with no knowledge of who it belonged to, they may have guessed it to be a royal manor. I walk through the house until I reach the backroom just before the gardens.

My parents turn around to see me, their faces lighting up with joy.

“Ris, you look almost as handsome as me,” jokes my father.

“Rocelot!” scolds my mother, slapping him on the wrist.

“I’m only fooling around Rhobuna!”

“It’s quite alright,” I reassure them. “You both look well dressed for the occasion.”

My father bows to me, then draws himself up, dusting off his black suit, complete with a bow tie. My mother grasps the hemline of her lavender dress, waving it about to show it off.
