Page 13 of Sienna

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He pulled a small box out of his pocket, then tapped one side to make a light shine out of it before he placed it on the floor. Inside the light little snippets of her life were revealed, like a movie trailer. Real life things that were mostly inconsequential, and yet which felt like the worst privacy invasion possible.

“How did you get that of me?” she asked, her voice shaking.

He shrugged. “Once I knew the places you frequented, I left my invisible recording tags anywhere they would be able to record you. They use facial recognition—similar to what the Earth government uses on its own people—to detect you the moment you’re within a one hundred yard range.”

“What other technology do you have?” she asked weakly, sick to her stomach at what he’d done and yet aware she had to know everything she could to protect herself in future.

“For obvious reasons, I can’t tell you everything. But I can tell you I have shielding tech that protects us inside this house from the Dronians. I’ve planted enough anti-spy spacers around the perimeter of the house to ensure nothing will penetrate our little fortress.”

“No wonder you’re afraid the Dronians will invade your world next,” she said bitterly. She glowered at him. “Did none of you think to come to my people’s aid when we were getting murdered and desperately needed help defeating them?”

“By the time we heard about your people’s demise it was too late to do anything,” he said quietly.

“Too late to do anything but spy on those few Strazanian survivors living on Earth.”

He shook his head. “It wasn’t a matter of spying on you. The recording tags were used only as a means to capture you. All I want is answers.”

“You said it yourself. The Dronians outnumber all of us. They’re nothing short of a plague wanting to rule the universe by sheer numbers alone.”

“And you’d let that happen?” he asked quietly. “You’d allow the Dronians to wipe out other people who aren’t your own through sheer stubborn pride.”

She pushed to her feet, hoping her stare was as glacial as her voice. “If your people die, it’s on you not me. All I ever wanted was my freedom and you took that away from me. Until I get it back you’ll extract nothing from me.”

“Then we’re at a stalemate, aren’t we.” He collected the takeout containers and stood too, his height making her feel so tiny. It didn’t seem fair that the males of her kind were so huge while she was the height of an average human woman in both her primary and secondary form. His eyes seemed to burn right through her. “Just so you know, the longer this takes, the more impatient I’ll get.”

She bristled. “What are you trying to say? That you’ll start pulling out my fingernails to make me talk? Something worse?”

“If I’m left with no choice, then yes, that is an option.”

She gaped after him as he pivoted away from her, his long strides then taking him out of the bedroom. He shut the door with a decisive click, the three locks then sliding into place with loud clanks behind him.

Chapter Seven

Sienna had risen atdawn to practice her long, slow movements that had been an integral part of her training on Strazan, except this time she was blindfolded. That she couldn’t see the Dronians meant she had to elevate her other senses, train them to be more aware of her surroundings.

At least while she was in Gray’s house, she had no reason to believe the alien fuckers would find her. It meant she could practice in relative peace, draw on everything she’d learned while sinking deeper into her own psyche.
