Page 14 of Sienna

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She might hate Gray for bringing her here, but there was no reason to waste the opportunity. Knowing she was secure meant she was sleeping and resting better, and though she didn’t have the river to sustain her, at least she was recharging those batteries that had dimmed from being in a constant fight and flight response.

She spun and crouched low, knees wide apart and her arms coming into the center from her sides. She pressed her hands together and focused on her breathing, her ears straining to hear any noise.

Though her hearing and eyesight were exceptional in her primary form, in her human form everything was subpar. That Gray’s alien senses were even more attuned than hers no matter which form she took was a bitter pill to swallow. She just had to be grateful his people didn’t have powers like therareson her planet.

What about his wings?

She straightened with an inelegant snort, ripping off her blindfold—AKA folded up pillowcase—and throwing it on the bed. Why could she not stop thinking about the man? He was her enemy and she was letting him get to her! She needed to get him out of her head and stop thinking of all his good qualities.

He’d kidnapped her, held her hostage in his home, locked her in a bedroom and bathroom. Yes, he’d fed her and clothed her, and she could shower or bathe in the chemically treated water whenever she wanted. He’d even kept her safe from the Dronians. But it still didn’t take away from the fact he’d stripped her of her freedom!

The bolts on the door clanged across one after the other, announcing Gray’s arrival. She glanced down at her pants and shirt. They were comfortable enough, but she’d grown used to her bodysuit that fit her like a glove and stretched effortlessly with her every movement. At least she wasn’t naked anymore.

Gray walked into the bedroom with Bongo, and she couldn’t help but smile at the happy dog with his wagging tail. She crouched as Gray shut the door behind him.

“Here, Bongo.” He trotted over to her, making snuffling happy noises while he licked her face and neck. She pushed his snout down with a laugh, ruffling his ears. “Thanks for your unconditional love, Bongo, but who knows where your tongue has been.”

Gray strode farther inside. “He was cleaning his butt a few minutes ago.”

She rubbed her arm over her face. “Gross!”

Gray laughed. “Just kidding, Sienna. Not that I’m saying he’s never done it.”

“All right, all right. I get it. He likes to clean himself—and me.” She gave Bongo one last pat, then straightened, her eyes narrowing at his empty hands. “No breakfast this morning?”

He shook his head. “Not until you tell me what you know about the Dronians.”

The surge of pleasure at seeing him and Bongo died a quick death. Bongo seemed to know it too. He whined a little and sat, looking up at her with wounded eyes. She focused on Gray. “So you’re blackmailing me now?”

“I could do a lot worse to get answers a lot faster.” He pushed a hand through his dark hair threaded with gold. “I’m running out of time, Sienna. My people are relying on me.”

“Then you chose the wrong Strazanian,” she said flatly. “I have no intention of telling you anything.”

His nostrils flared. “You’d prefer to have millions of deaths on your conscience?”

She crossed her arms and gritted her teeth. “Do not make any of this my fault! I never asked for the Dronian bastards to invade my world and kill my people!”

He sighed heavily. “Of course you didn’t.” His golden eyes held hers, the slitted pupils dilating, as though looking deep into her soul. “But you’re our only hope.”

She wanted to stamp her feet and scream her rage. Instead she picked up the pillowcase and dabbed off the sweat from her brow. She’d been practicing her moves for hours. She might have gone crazy with boredom and claustrophobia otherwise. Knowing she was locked inside this room with no way out was already fucking with her mind.

She’d never been imprisoned. Even on her planet she more often than not chose to sleep in the Great Waters, with the soft water encasing her body and the distant echoes of creatures’ songs lulling her to sleep. The only time she slept in the palace was when she felt compelled to sleep on the feathered quilts that were spread out on the floor.

“Starve me then,” she said quietly. “I already told you I have nothing to tell, and I meant it.”

He nodded. “Suit yourself.” Slapping his thigh he whistled to Bongo and they both left the room. The last thing she heard was the bolts slotting into place behind them.

She was dozing when Gray finally returned, a bowl of steaming hot food in his hands. Bongo trotted inside beside his master, the dog looking at Sienna, then back to Gray, and to Sienna again.

“Ready to talk yet?” Gray asked her casually.

She sat up on the bed, shoving a hunk of hair from her face while she blinked to focus on him. “What do you think?”

He sighed heavily. “That’s a shame.” He slurped up some noodles, the scent of garlic and meat saturating the air. He held up the bowl. “These noodles are super tasty. If there’s one thing I can say about Earth, it’s how good their food is.”

Her stomach compressed. She might have stuffed herself stupid last night, but she’d been sporadic for too long with her eating habits. Her calories were still too low. Skipping breakfast and now lunch was already leaching away whatever energy she’d made from last night’s meal. “You know my terms,” she said tightly.

“And you know mine,” he returned succinctly.
