Page 15 of Sienna

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“Then I guess we’re back to a stalemate again.”

He slurped up some more noodles, closing his eyes as though in great satisfaction before he tipped the bowl up to his mouth and he drank the liquid remains. “Guess so,” he said with a shrug. Then he pivoted and stalked back to the door. “Let’s go Bongo.”

But the dog instead sat and whined, looking up at Sienna as though he didn’t want to leave her. Gray snarled a little, acting more animal than Bongo.

“I see where your loyalties lay now, Bongo,” he said, then slammed out of the bedroom as though he was a child with his toy taken away from him.

Bongo whined again and Sienna grinned down at him. “I think I’ve just found your master’s weak spot.”

Her victory was short-lived. Within hours her stomach was rumbling, and not even the chemical water she drank made her feel any better. She bent with cupped hands, allowing Bongo to drink some more of that water she caught.

She dried her hands on her pants. “I’ve got to find a way out of here.”

Striding out of the bathroom, Bongo trotting alongside her, she went straight to the window, flipping aside the net curtain before she began trying to peel away the screen from its frame. Impossible! It was some kind of a thick mesh security screen that was screwed down inside the frame.

She peered through it. It was easy to see why he’d chosen this house. With the house situated up high, a treed valley sloping away below, his pair of wings would be perfect for a quick getaway. He’d be able to glide a great distance and beat anyone on foot.

She sighed heavily at the drop below. A pity the same couldn’t be said about her. Even if she could take off the screen she’d never survive the fall in her human form.

But what about in your primary form?

Her breath shuddered out. Could she find the strength to shift shape? At least then she’d also have a good chance of breaking through the screen.

She stepped away, the net curtain falling back over the indestructible screen. Either way, it was too late in the day now to risk escaping. She’d wait until after Gray came in with dinner, taunting her to eat, then she’d slide into a full bath and shift into her primary shape.

Chapter Eight

It was dark outside, pitch black thanks to the thick clouds Sienna had seen building in the sky, covering any light that might have otherwise shone down from the heavens.

She stopped pacing to glare at the locked door. It was obvious Gray had decided not to visit. So whatwashe trying to do? Make her wish for his company as much as something to eat? Huh.If he thought for even one second she’d give into him for a couple of bites to eat and the so-called pleasure of his company, he could think again!

Leaving Bongo fast asleep on top of her bed, she stalked into the bathroom and turned on the bath taps. Then shutting the bathroom door, she flicked its lock across for good measure. Gray might have seen her naked in her human form, but she wasn’t about to let him see her naked in her Strazanian form.

If she could even manage to shift.

She stripped off her clothes and stepped into the half-filled tub. Her nose wrinkled at the unnatural, chemical odors that wafted up with the steam. It was so unlike the natural purity of the Great Waters. With a heavy sigh, she lowered herself into the water.
