Page 19 of Sienna

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For a moment he almost believed her.Almost. But one didn’t fight a battle against an enemy without gaining any intel. She knew a whole lot more than she pretended. He just had to find a way to extract it from her, and fast.

It wasn’t easy swimming back toward the bank while she struggled in his arms. Even worse was the fact his dick had taken a life of its own, making it known he was as attracted to her in this form as her human one. That his arousal bordered on painful didn’t help his swimming technique. It was only thanks to Bongo’s excited yips that he managed to find his way back.

His jaw tightened. Bongo might trust fully in her, but he sure as shit didn’t.

Up until this point he’d been a gentleman. He’d tried to be polite, civil and courteous, and look where that had got him.


He was half-carrying, half-dragging her out of the now knee-deep water, her huffing breaths showcasing her fear as well as some dangerous level of excitement, when a far off light grew larger in the sky as it sped toward them. His whole body tensed, and Sienna froze, her gaze drawn to the same light he’d noticed.

“They’re back,” she whispered starkly.

Chapter Ten

Sienna wanted to stranglethe Gorema male. He’d put her in danger by recapturing her. She’d been free at last and regaining strength quickly thanks to the river. Now she was back to square one and made helpless by the ferocious strength of his wings.

She could, of course, implode him from the inside out, but with a whole army of Dronians no doubt about to crash their little party, she’d save that little trick for when it was needed most. Right now she just needed to plead with his logic, his better judgement.

She looked up at him as he towered her over, the green light of her talk-stone making his eyes shimmer a weird gold-brown color, while his features appeared even more otherworldly. Her breath caught in her throat when her gaze slipped low, to where his erection stood to attention. She swallowed hard. He was frigging huge, the markings only highlighting that fact.

She forced her stare up to meet his. “I can’t be in this form out of the water. It’s how the Dronians found us.”

His expression looked bland, bored even. “Then change back.”

Her every muscle clenched with outrage. “Even if I do it’s too late, the Dronians have a fix on us now.”

“Then you’d better hurry.”

His voice was so dispassionate, so selfish. Her pulse beat like drums in her ears.Holy shit.Where was the man who’d been halfway nice to her? What had happened to her captor to make him so careless of her very life? Of his own life?

“Fine,” she snapped. It wasn’t like she had a choice. “At least let me keep my feet in the water so that it lends me the strength I need to shift quickly.”

His grip tightened before he reluctantly nodded. “Do what you have to do.” He glanced up at the approaching light. “But hurry, we’re running out of time.”

“No shit, Sherlock,” she said savagely, even as she concentrated on changing back to her human form.
