Page 23 of Sienna

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“Bongo is safe in the basket.” A car’s headlights swept over them, the driver seemingly blind to them on the shoulder of the road as he drove past them with barely an inch to spare. Gray shook his head.“Safer,”he corrected somberly.

She looked up at the dark sky, a hint of stars showing through the thinning clouds. “It’s taking what remaining strength I have just to climb this hill.”

He nodded. “I’ll find you something to eat when we get home.”

“Home?”she repeated dully.

He stopped, one hand holding the bike up while he reached out with his other hand to cup her chin. “Thisisour home now,” he said softly.

Her eyes glinted. “You still have your real home to return to,” she bit out. “I don’t.”

He nodded. “You’re right, I do. And I’ll do everything in my power to see that my home, my world, stays peaceful and unspoiled by warfare.”

“Everything?” she repeated scathingly.

“Yes,” he said emotionlessly, pushing down any compassion or feelings he had for this woman. “Everything.”

“Then it’s a good thing I’m well versed in pain.”

“Why are you fighting this?” he asked hoarsely. “You have nothing to lose and everything to gain by telling me what you know.”

She began walking again, as though an automaton heading to the scrapyard. “I know your type. You’ll extract what information you can from me, and then you’ll destroy me.”

He could shout to the rooftops that he’d never harm her, but it’d only fall on deaf ears. Instead he said quietly, “You don’t have much faith in me, do you?”

“You’re here for one reason only, and that doesn’t include being friends with me.”

“I could never be friends with you,” he said huskily, his dick tightening uncomfortably.

“What do you mean?” she asked, her voice edged with caution while he sensed reckless excitement thrumming deep inside her.

He understood exactly. As much as he’d been in denial, he wanted Sienna with an urgency that was bordering on insanity. Seeing her in her primary form had only tipped that need straight into dangerous territory. She could easily become is obsession, an addiction he didn’t want to quit.

“I mean,” he said at last, his voice thick with desire. “We could only ever be enemies...or lovers.”

She nodded. “You’re probably right.” Then she lifted her chin and said pointedly, “Which means we’ll only ever be enemies.”

He couldn’t stop the grin that spread across his face. “That sounds too much like a challenge. And I did always love a good challenge.”

Her breath hitched and her shoulders tensed, and he swore her breasts had hardened beneath his T-shirt. He swallowed hard. He wanted nothing more than undress her again to take his fill of her gorgeous breasts, then lick her nipples into hard arrows before he kissed his way down lower, between her thighs, where he’d taste the ultimate prize.

His dick was harder than an anvil when they finally got to the house he’d set up with Gorema technology, making them safe. Or as safe as they could be with Dronians looking for them.

Bongo jumped out of the basket and ran to the grass in the front yard to relieve his bladder, while Gray parked the bike back under the house. Sienna waited on the bottom step, her features angelic in the soft glow of the solar lights.

She inhaled deep, her nostrils flaring. “The Dronians haven’t been here,” she declared. “I’d know their stench from miles away.”

He nodded. “You and me both. Whydothey stink so badly?”

“Other than the fact they won’t go near water so they never bathe?” she asked. Then her eyes flashed and she bit out, “You really are good at acquiring information, aren’t you?”

He shrugged. It’d been an innocent enough question, but who was he to claim innocence when she’d only ever see him as guilty. “I guess it’s a perk of my job. You get good at reading others.”

She curled her lip. “Just how many victims have you hunted down? How much bounty have you received for you work?”

He folded his arms, made defensive somehow by her scorn. He was only glad he’d never admitted he’d been an assassin before he’d left that business behind for the far less bloody business of capturing and returning criminals and fugitives, dangerous people who he’d never classify as a victim.

The only victim he’d ever pursued was Sienna. But he couldn’t let that get in the way of his mission. She might be innocent, but she had information he desperately needed, and he’d use whatever tool he had in his arsenal.
