Page 24 of Sienna

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His dick jerked and a shiver went through him. Including sex.

Chapter Twelve

That Gray didn’t botheranswering Sienna’s question as he escorted her upstairs and inside his house—fortress—told her more than enough. He didn’t want to admit how many luckless people he’d delivered back to custody or the money he’d earned doing it.

The bastard was probably rich beyond compare thanks to his ruthlessness.

He flicked on the kitchen light, then led her to the island counter, where she sat on one of the stools with her arms crossed while he dug into the pantry and retrieved a large can. After opening it, he spooned something brown and disgusting out of it and into Bongo’s dish. The dog wagged his tail and whined with anticipation. The moment Gray set the dish onto the floor, Bongo devoured its contents with gusto.

Gray turned to her. “Are you hungry?”

Sienna wanted to scream at him to go to hell and throw whatever he offered across the room, or even better, at his face, but she was nutrient deprived enough. Not even the brief stint in the river had given her what she needed. And her body still needed to digest food to keep hunger at bay. “I am.”

He nodded, then opened the freezer door of the refrigerator and pulled out a foil tray. He peeled off the plastic top, turned on the oven, then slid the tray inside. “Readymade lasagna it is.”

At this point, a kilo of mealworms would have been edible. “It’s a bit late for dinner now, isn’t it?”

“You can call it a very early breakfast if you prefer.” He checked the oven’s timer. “It will take a good half-an-hour to cook. In the meantime, we’ll shower and get the nasty splatters off our skin.”

She peered at her arms. She couldn’t see anything. But then she was as unlikely to see their blood and gore as she was to see their physical form. “I have splatters?”

He nodded. “You do.” He looked at his own arms with a grimace. “We both do.”

“That’s disgusting.”

His mouth curled into a humorless smile. “We lived and they died. That’s all I care about.”

“I’d smell them on me!”

He nodded. “Except you’ve grown immune to it, just that same as I have.”

He ushered her down the hallway and back into the bedroom—prison cell—before he followed her into the bathroom. She turned to him when he lifted his foot and the entire boot simply fell away from his foot.

“What are you doing?”

He lifted his other foot to detach his boot before he looked up at her. “I’m having a shower too.”
