Page 25 of Sienna

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She shook her head. “You can shower in your own bathroom.”

He smirked. “Sorry, that’s not going to happen. We stay together now at all cost.”

She shook her head. “If this is because I tried to escape, I won’t try again—”

“I don’t believe you.”

She sucked a breath through her teeth, her gaze dropping to the sizeable lump at his crotch. “I felt your erection earlier, I’m not going to have a shower with you.”

“Why? Don’t you trust yourself?”

Heat flooded through her. The sheer arrogance of the man! “It’syouI don’t trust!”

He detached his under-armor with gently-prying fingers. “You have my word I won’t seduce you in the shower.”

That a faint surge of disappointment took away from her relief only made her angrier. “Why would I trust your word?”

“Why wouldn’t you? I want to gain your trust. This seems as good a place as any to start.”

“If you think not screwing me while we shower will give me an urge to fill your ears with my apparently vast knowledge of Dronians, think again.”

His face tightened. “Don’t make me force you to talk, Sienna.”

She glared. “Then don’t force me to stay here as your prisoner.”

He peeled off his under-armor, then placed it on a hook on the wall. That it was the first time she’d seen his superb musculature seemed to hit home as she stared at his flexing back muscles, his deep, pink scars that clashed with his brown and gold striations and made her more transfixed. He’d fought in a lot of battles, and won. He was a survivor, too.

He turned around, his powerful abs making her mouth go dry. “Shirt off,” he said softly, a wry smile curling his lips.

“Go fuck yourself,” she said tightly, even as she found herself pulling off her T-shirt and glaring back up at his smug face.

“I might have to do that...later,” he conceded, glancing down at his arousal as though it was a nuisance he’d have to deal with at some point.

Opening the shower door, he stepped inside and flicked on the taps. It gave her ample time to admire his slightly paler brown and gold striated ass cheeks, the colors darkening up his spine and into the corded strength of his shoulders. Then he turned to her, his striated cock still rearing up like a stallion’s and his ball-sack heavy beneath.

“The temperature is perfect,” he said. “Come and join me.”

Steam suddenly undulated in the air, drawing her in. As soon as the hot water hit her skin, she sighed softly. Whatever Dronian muck had splattered her skin, she wanted it off. Gray took the soap off the ledge in the wall, and then rubbed it in his hands, making lather. Putting the soap back, he kneaded her body with his sudsy hands, washing her thoroughly.

That his touch sent shivers of pleasure through her body was a whole other issue she’d have to deal with. For now she was grateful just to get clean again and eliminate any bits of Dronian off her.

He turned her around and began to soap up her front. She closed her eyes, stifling a moan as his hands lingered on her breasts, making her want more. Was this his way of making her talk? Give her so much pleasure that she was willing to tell him everything just to get off?

He shampooed her hair then conditioned it next, his big hands delivering a most extraordinary scalp massage. Whatever tension she’d had simply evaporated, leaving her soft and compliant, and more than a little dazed.

After rinsing out her conditioner, he lifted her chin with a hand so that he trapped her gaze with his yellow stare. His pupils narrowed a little, as though he was seeing into her very soul. “You’re clean now,” he said huskily.

She swallowed hard as his gaze focused on her lips. He was going to kiss her! She sucked in a breath, her whole body tensing. He’d promised not to seduce her in the shower. Was he happy to break his word?

He lifted his stare back to hers, his pupils returning to normal before he smirked and raised his arms out to the sides. “Feel free to clean me in return.”

Her feel good vibes dissipated. She didn’t play games, not with an enemy. She wouldn’t risk being the loser. She glared at him. “I’m under no obligation to do anything.”

He shrugged idly, his arms dropping back to his sides. “Suit yourself.”

When he soaped himself up, paying particular attention to his torso and then his cock, she was all but burning up. How long since she’d been sexually fulfilled? Too long, clearly, and now the bastard was taunting her!

That human men had rarely tempted her into their bed didn’t help her present mood. She’d put off having sex with just any man because she knew she’d be disappointed.
