Page 29 of Sienna

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She willed her five star fliers back to her, forcing them to work their way out of the flesh of the deceased Dronians bodies. She caught each star as they whirled toward her, tucking them back into her robe again to be deployed when needed.

She wouldn’t think about the blood and gore covering them. It took everything she had just to focus on the task ahead. She’d save her powerful ability for when it was needed most. Once she found the royals, she’d implode the Dronians trying to get to them.

She only hoped the royal family had been warned with enough time to be ushered into one of their antechamber safe rooms. At least then the king and queen, along with their precious children, had a fighting chance to stay alive and safe until help arrived.

Her thoughts scattered as she slipped on some blood and fell heavily to the floor, but not before feeling the whoosh of air as one of her unseen enemies tried to take her out.Shit.If it hadn’t been for her inadvertent tumble, she’d likely be dead now.

She stayed low as she called her star fliers free, unleashing them once again. While one pinged against what sounded unmistakably like armor, the rest thudded into flesh.

Three Dronians shimmered into sight, their defenses diminishing as they died. Though she couldn’t see them when they were at full health, or conversely when they were dead, when they were dying their shields appeared to drop momentarily, all their energy diverted into just surviving.

One Dronian gargled as two stars worked their way through his skull. Only once the stars jagged his brain did he drop dead to the floor, his image disappearing along with his life-force. Another Dronian pulled at the star in his throat, but it was too little, too late.

She recalled the star that had pinged against armor. Catching it in her hand, she released it back out again with just a thought. It thudded into flesh this time, and she grimaced at the Dronian who appeared in front of her, the star flier embedded deep in the hole for its ear. Blood poured free and it clawed at the side of its head, digging its talon in after the star, but there was nothing it could do.

She straightened, her nose wrinkling at the scent of blood and decay, and at the grisly scene in front of her. The Dronians she’d killed had probably been nothing more than some stragglers, soldiers that had been bringing up the rear to ensure no victims lived.

Her comrades had all been hacked and slashed to ribbons, while others had been drained of their blood thanks to deep gashes on their throats from one of the many Dronians with their wicked talons. Her stomach clenched and bile rose up her throat. She swallowed it back. She didn’t have time to be sick. She needed to get to the royals.

She staggered forward, sending the star fliers spinning through the air every few minutes just to be safe. She was blind to her enemy, as helpless as a babe in the woods. She’d been lucky so far.

Haste would get her killed.

It wasn’t until she rounded a corner of the building, which led into the great hall and then a set of huge double doors with their intricate carvings that sealed off the royal antechamber safe room, that she stopped and bent over double, a keening cry leaving her lips.

The antechamber safe room doors were wide open, a pool of blood congealing on the floor inside like a red carpet. Even more horrifying was the fact the room was empty, devoid of any bodies.

She’d failed the royal family. She’d failed her people.

Chapter Fourteen

Gray jerked awake asSienna’s horrified cry filled his ears. He sat, his pupils automatically dilating to better filter in any natural light from the semi-darkness and give him clearer vision. But he didn’t need great sight to know she was dreaming about something bad.

He shook her awake. “Sienna, you’re dreaming. Wake up.”

She sat with a heavy exhale, her eyes flying open and her chest heaving in and out as she fought to regain her composure. Her iridescent green eyes brimmed with intelligence and then hostility. “You again,” she croaked.
