Page 35 of Sienna

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With her decision made, she flipped her back-fin back and forth and surged through the water, hoping against hope Nero was in full health and the Dronians had simply decided to target whichever one of them was in range.

An hour later she was wading out of the water, her eyes swiveling back and forth for any potential threats. It might still be considered early, but it was full daylight now, with nowhere to hide. This part of the river was too close to the railway tracks for her peace of mind.

She sank back into the river and willed her shift into her secondary, human form, taking her sweet time so that the pain was kept to a minimum. Even if Gray decided she might return here, there was no way he’d arrive in time. She’d be shifted and dressed, her rapier in hand, and long gone by the time he got there.

Not only couldn’t he swim with any speed now thanks to the tear in his wing, he’d be unable to glide now, either.

Finally fully shifted, she peered right then left again to ensure she was alone. She was only thankful for her residual Strazanian sight, which enabled her to see so much further than her human sight. All too soon that would fade and she’d be back to using her true human sight.

Pushing back to her feet, she waded out of the water and up the muddy, slippery bank, gasping as a sharp stone cut her foot before she finally made it to the large rocks and found her clothes, boots and rapier stashed beneath.

She got dressed quickly, thankful for her stretchy bodysuit, which immediately warmed her chilled skin and felt like a long lost part of her.

Much like Gray’s armor and boots fit him like they were a part of his body.

She frowned. She had to stop thinking about the man. Yes, they’d shared a bed and enjoyed each other’s bodies, but it didn’t make them a couple. She swallowed hard, something jagged cutting her insides at the sudden wishful thinking.

He was her enemy!

Withdrawing her rapier, she held its handle and swished the blade through the air, finding great comfort in the act. She mightn’t have her trusty star flyers anymore, but her rapier had been an amazing find, one she didn’t want to go without.

She pushed it into the concealed holster inside her pants, then cleaned the blood from the gash in her foot as best she could before pulling on her boots. Climbing up the riverbank and onto the grass, she sucked in a steadying breath, then headed toward the nearest train station.

Chapter Sixteen

Gray pulled himselfout of the water, his damn wing too shredded to use effectively in the water. It was far better to take a moment and strategize about where Sienna might be going rather than to rely on his presently deformed wing to try and chase her down.

She’d clearly chosen the river in the hope she’d find a fellowrarein the water, which was their natural playground. But the river was huge and the chances of stumbling upon another Strazanian would be like finding the proverbial needle in a haystack.

With only two days to go she was grasping at straws and hoping against hope she’d find at least one more of her kind to inform them of the coming meeting.

He gave his wings a gentle shake, gritting his teeth against the deep, throbbing ache of the tear in one of them. His kind weren’t afraid of pain, but their wings were ultra-sensitive, a weak point on their body, much like a man’s testicles.

He resisted clapping a hand over his family jewels. They were fine. It was only lucky Sienna hadn’t discovered that his wings were also his weak spot or she might well have raked them with her nails or bit down on one of them with her sharp, pearly teeth.

A shiver that was as much excitement as it was imagined pain went through him. Anything concerning sex with Sienna made him lose his mind.
