Page 51 of Sienna

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After ten minutes of spraying water at the Dronians, refilling and spraying again, Gray stood with the water gun by his side, then turned and faced her. “Their flesh literally dissolves at the contact of water. It almost seems...too easy.”

“Maybe we’ve just been overthinking things,” she said softly, her voice as empty as her emotions. If only her people had known! Perhaps they’d all be alive right now.

Gray nodded. “I learned a long time ago that no matter how strong someone appears to be, they always have a weakness.” He waded toward her. “I knew from the moment I saw your holo-image that my one and only weakness would be you.”

She pressed a hand to her heart, then shook her head. “Loving someone doesn’t make them weak. It makes them strong.”

He paused, water rippling around him. He could have been a gladiator of old, if not for the fact his wings made him so much better and hotter. He blinked the water from his eyes, his voice husky. “You’re right. Nothing could be stronger than my feelings for you.”

“Ditto,” she admitted softly.

He waded forward, not stopping until he was chest-deep in water and close enough to reach out and touch her. “So you did mean what you said earlier?” he asked. “You really do love me?”

“I do,” she acknowledged huskily, aware the words sounded like a human’s marriage vow. She bit into her bottom lip, her breasts heavy and her nipples tight, her body burning for him. “There is one small favor I’d like to request.”

“Anything,” he said huskily, the burn of his yellow eyes almost matching the glow of her green stare.

She lifted an arm to proffer him her hand. “I want to make love with you deep underwater.”

He took her hand, his voice a throaty growl. “It would be my greatest honor.”


Sienna stepped backfrom the mirror to peer at her reflection. She wore her usual black bodysuit, but she’d taken her time putting on some makeup after she’d piled her long dark hair up into a knot at the top of her head, then pushed fancy earrings into her lobes.

She looked great...better than great. Being with Gray and basking in his love had given her a glow that no amount of cosmetics or surgery could manufacture. Being with Gray had made her love her life again while giving her hope for a better future.

She was spraying some delicate perfume on her throat and on her wrists when he stepped into the bathroom.

He’d taken her shopping this morning after breakfast, purchasing her a whole new wardrobe of clothes and shoes, as well as this makeup, jewelry and perfume. His emperor had apparently supplied him with a bundle of fake credit cards that not a single salesperson had questioned when Gray had paid for their purchases.

She could scarcely believe she’d soon be meeting with at least some of her species in just a few short hours. That she had incredible news to share about the Dronians weakness to water, one that included the infinitesimal amount of water vapor in the Earth’s atmosphere which slowly killed them—was something all theraresneeded to know about.

Defending themselves against their enemy would now be a whole lot easier.

Gray’s reflection behind her made her heart beat irregularly while her mouth went dry. Making love with him yesterday underwater had been beyond amazing. She’d held onto a sunken log while he’d used the motion of his wings to help him pump rhythmically inside her, his long, strong strokes in the watery environment setting her off like nothing else.
