Page 39 of Bratva Daddy

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“Change of plans,” she states simply.

Lev’s eyes wash over the woman, a familiar spark igniting behind them. “Catherina?”

I put two and two together immediately. Catherina and I both have the same striking blonde hair. It’s no wonder Lev keeps confusing me with her. It’s strange getting to see her in the flesh for the first time, though she’s nothing I would have expected.

Catherina Antonov is nothing short of an ice queen. Sharp, impassable, and a force to be reckoned with.

“You’ve upset him,” she points out bitterly, walking around to grasp his wheelchair by the handles.

“We didn’t do it on purpose,” Dimitri says stiffly.

“I told you this was a bad idea,” his mother grumbles. “Spending time with family… What good has it done?”

“He’s made excellent progress, though,” I say, coming to Dimitri’s defense. “He’s talking now. That’s leagues better than when he first got here.”

Catherina gives me a judgmental up and down, her eyes clawing over me without an ounce of warmth. “And who areyou?”

“Natalya Chekov. I’m Lev’s caretaker and Simon’s nanny.”

Catherina scoffs, shooting Dimitri a pointed look. “Couldn’t spring for one of each, Dima?”

“Nat was a doctor, Mother. She’s more than qualified to handle taking care of Lev and Simon.”

“Clearly not,” Catherina snaps. “I came back early because I have found a placement for Lev at a rehabilitation clinic in the south of France. You’re no longer required to look after him. We’ll leave his health to the professionals.”

Dimitri frowns, the muscles in his shoulders and neck suddenly rigid. “Wait a second,” he grumbles. “I didn’t approve of any of this.”

“It’s not your place to do so,” Catherina argues. “As hiswife, my decisions take precedence over yours.”

“So, what? You’re going to leave him there all by himself?”

“He won’t be by himself. He’ll have an entire team tending to his needs.”

“Will you be with him?”

“No, I will be returning to Moscow once he’s settled in.”

Dimitri may be turned away, but I canfeelhis anger seeping out of every pore. “This is ridiculous, Mother. You can’t just abandon him in a different country. That’s how he got like this in the first fucking place.”

“It’s fairly obvious neither of us is equipped to handle his condition.”

“Things are difficult, yes, but I don’t want Father to be alone.”

“The program is excellent,” Catherina assures. “They’ve done extensive work with patients with severe PTSD.”

“Which program?” I ask, my ears burning. I may no longer be actively practicing medicine, but that doesn’t mean I don’t read through the latest medical journal every now and then.

“The one at St. Guillaume,” she answers.

“Led by Dr. Ballard?”


Dimitri glances at me, almost as if for confirmation. I nod slowly. “He’s one of the best in his field,” I confirm. “He’s done marvelous work for military veterans and the like, or so I’ve heard. I don’t know about the program specifically, but Lev would be in good hands there.”

“As I said.” Catherina turns her nose up at Dimitri and sniffs. “Besides, you have enough on your plate, don’t you think? I heard about the shooting.”

Dimitri furrows his brows. “How?”
