Page 8 of Bratva Daddy

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“No, no,” I say hastily. “We’ve been working on this buyout for a long time. You need me there. The only reason they’re even agreeing to sit down with you is because they likeme.”

Mikhail huffs. “You were always better at making friends.”

“I wouldn’t say we’re friends, Misha. More like occasional poker buddies.”

“We need to land this deal,” he says. “If we can buy the Rachmans out of their properties, half of Moscow will be under our control.”

“I know. It wasmyplan, remember?”

Downstairs, I hear the familiar chatter of children’s voices and their squeaky shoes over tile floors. My nieces and nephew sound as rambunctious as ever, giggling and squealing as they make their way into the home. Mikhail is out of his chair in an instant. I know my brother all too well. His face may be expressionless, but the speed with which he leaves his office and rushes down the stairs tells me exactly how excited he is to see his children and wife.

“Dad!” Sandra and Charlotte exclaim together, rushing over to give him a big hug.

“What about me?” I ask with a hearty chuckle.

“Uncle Dima!” the twins scream as they tackle me next.

“How are my favorite girls in the whole world?” I ask. “Did you do anything fun at school?”

“We drew pictures,” Charlotte explains.

“And a boy in our class, Tomas, he ate some paint and got in trouble.”

I laugh. “He must have been pretty hungry.”

Aurora is the next to greet me. She gives me a big hug and a chaste kiss on the cheek in greeting. “Mikhail texted me,” she whispers in my ear. “A car bomb? Goodness, are you alright?”

The kids are too distracted showing Mikhail a new picture book they brought home from the school library to pay us any mind. I nod discreetly. “I’ll live. Not going to lie, it was a close call.”

“And what’s this I hear about you having a son?”

I take a deep breath. “Honestly? I’m as surprised as you are. I have no idea what I’m going to do.”

“What are you talking about? You’re great with the kids.”

“That’s what Mikhail said.”


“There’s a difference when they’re someone else’s children and when they’remine.” I rub my temples, praying away the migraine I can feel latching on behind my eyes. “I’m just blindsided, that’s all.”

Aurora rubs my arm in a supportive manner. “You let me know if you need anything, alright? I’ve still got a bunch of Frederick’s old clothes and toys. I’ll have one of the guards send them over. That way you don’t have to start completely from scratch.”

I breathe a sigh of relief. “You’re my favorite sister-in-law, you know that?”

She snorts. “I’m youronlysister-in-law.”

“I should probably get going. There’s nothing left of my car, but I’m hoping the insurance will cover it. And I need to check on my kid… Wow, that feels weird to say.”

“You’ll call us when you get home, right? Is it even safe to travel right now?”

“The whole Bratva is on high alert,” I say. “Whoever’s after me will have to go through our people first.”

Aurora presses her lips into a thin line. “Just be careful.”

I nod. “Always am.”

Chapter 5
