Page 18 of Owned By the Bratva

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My personal assistant lingers for a little longer than usual. Merrybell is usually quick to get back to work. She’s been working for CyberFort since we started. In fact, she used to be Mikhail’s personal assistant and secretary when he was CEO. She knows how this whole place runs, and if it weren’t for her, I’d frankly be a disorganized mess. She’s always on top of my emails, my calendar,everything. Merrybell is practically a loafer-wearing miracle.

“Did you need something?” I ask her, sending an email to the development department about requiring last month’s expense report.

“I want to hear all about her,” she says excitedly. “Tell me all about your new wife!”

I hush her quickly. “Remember what we talked about? Nobody needs to know.”

“Right, sorry. I don’t understand all the need for secrecy, though.”

I set my jaw. “It’s complicated. She, uh, likes her privacy. As do I.”

While Merrybell may know I took time off to return to Russia to get married, she doesn’t understandwhy. As far as I’m concerned, it’ll stay that way. Since Mikhail stepped down and I took his place as CEO, we’ve been exceedingly careful about keeping the link between CyberFort and the Antonov Bratva a secret from the general public. From most people, actually.

If word ever got out that I’m from a long line of Russian gangsters, I’d be crucified by the media. Not to mention CyberFort’s stock value would likely plummet overnight. Merrybell and all our other staff believe Mikhail and Dimitri took an early retirement and went home to Russia to be with their families—and that will remain the official party line.

“I bet she’s beautiful. Oh, please tell me I can meet her soon.”

“Don’t worry, you will. In fact, I’m going to send you over right now.”


“Alina needs new clothes, new everything. Take her shopping for me.”

“On the company card, or is this a personal expense?”

“Personal, of course. I don’t need to give auditors any ammunition to use against me. Head on over to the penthouse. I’m sure she’d love some company.”

Merrybell frowns. “Shouldn’t you be enjoying your honeymoon?”

I sigh, pinching the bridge of my nose. “Why does everyone keep telling me that? No, work comes first.”

Merrybell frowns, her disapproval obvious, but she doesn’t say anything. If she has a snarky comment to make, she does the wise thing and keeps it to herself.

“Do you need anything before I go?”

“I’m good. Have fun shopping.”

Merrybell smiles wide. “Oh, I plan to.”

“Oh, and one more thing.”

“Yes, Mr. Antonov?”

“Don’t let her out of your sight.”

Chapter 8


If Pyotr thinks he was being slick about the security cameras in the living room and by the elevator entrance, he was wrong. I noticed them when I first arrived, and I’ve been trying to plot my way around them ever since.

If I’m going to make a break for it, it will have to be while I’m already outside and in the clear. Pyotr said I’m free to go wherever I want as long as a guard goes with me, but I doubt I’ll get very far with them keeping close.

Unfortunately, I’m bored within minutes of him leaving. He’s been gone for hours, and I have nothing better to do than explore the entirety of the penthouse. It’sourhome, as he said. I don’t feel the need to confine myself to the bottom floor when there’s still so much to see.

There’s no sight of Pyotr’s elusive younger brother anywhere. The second floor looks almost exactly like the first, but darker. The curtains are drawn and all is quiet. It feels sort of like I’ve got an unseen vampire roommate lurking about. Since there isn’t much to see here, I continue to climb the stairs to venture into Pyotr’s territory.

The view up here is arguably the best in the entire city. We’re well above the rest of the concrete jungle. Cars and people look like nothing more than tiny ants from on high. Central Park is a large swathe of vibrant green, the tops of the trees lush and soft. It’s breathtaking…
