Page 26 of Owned By the Bratva

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“So, this is where you work?” I ask, though my question is redundant. “What do you do all day?”

“Boring stuff. You wouldn’t be interested.”

“Details, Pyotr,” I remind. “I need details. What if the immigration officer asks me about your work? I need to be able to answer him.”

He leans back in his executive chair, strumming his finger against the edge of his desk. “I answer emails, mostly. And attend meetings. I check in with my department heads frequently to ensure they have everything they need. I negotiate contracts with potential clients, I conduct media interviews when asked, and I’m the face of our outreach program.”

My ears perk up. “Outreach program?”

“It’s a coding camp, basically. For underprivileged kids. CyberFort believes in providing opportunities for the next generation of computer developers. Without them spearheading the future, none of us can thrive.”

“Spoken like a true CEO.”

“I mean it,” he says, sounding as close to defensive as I’ve ever heard him. “I’m not blowing smoke. I genuinely believe in the program and the kids we’re helping.”

I find myself smiling, the genuine passion in his voice catching me off guard. “I believe you.”

Pyotr once again stares at my lips, something akin to awe in his dark eyes.

Does he… Wait, does he like it when I smile? The thought makes my cheeks warm. I’m sure I’m just imagining things.

“Is Ben going to be in trouble?” I ask after walking a loop around his office, taking in all the plaques and trophies he’s been awarded over the years.Best In Business,The American Business Awards, and others I’ve never heard of. I’m sure they’re all very prestigious.

“That’s the second time you’ve asked,” he says bluntly.

“Because I want to know.”

“Are you worried about him?”

I chew on the inside of my cheek. “Should I be?”

“Ben should have been more diligent. What if something had happened to you? As your assigned bodyguard, he should have been protecting you, external threats or otherwise. He’s already received a verbal warning.”

“But his job is safe?”

“For now.”

I mosey on over to his desk. He’s got several documents spread out in front of him, and his ultra-wide computer monitor has at least a dozen different tabs open. There’s so much happening on screen it makes my head hurt.

“How do you make sense of it all?” I mumble.

Pyotr chuckles. At least, I think it’s a chuckle. That deep voice of his makes everything sound like a growl. “You get used to it.”

I dare to sit on the edge of his desk, perched on the corner as I watch him work. Pyotr makes no effort to shoo me away, so I don’t think he particularly minds my being here.

These waters we’re trying to navigate together are uncharted and choppy. Since the revelation that our flimsy marriage is the only thing standing in the way of disaster, I’ve been trying to make an effort to right my wrongs.

I was so quick to hate Pytor. I haven’t quite come to terms with everything that’s happened. It’s not like a flick of the light switch. A part of me is still disgruntled, but at least now I understand his motivations. He’s not acompletemonster like I first made him out to be. If only he’d told me sooner, maybe I wouldn’t have gone through all the trouble of trying to get away. Now that the truth has been laid bare, I still feel trapped—but I don’t hold any resentment toward my husband.

Husband. There’s that word again.

It’s still such a strange thing to me. For the sake of peace, I’d better get used to it. I think about my sisters. We’re not as close as we used to be, but they’re still my flesh and blood. Mother might have kept me out of most of the Bratva business, but I’m no fool. I know how dangerous and bloody it can get. They very much operate under an eye-for-an-eye philosophy.

I shudder. Sometimes I can’t believe I was born into this world of guns and daggers and constant dealings. Father always used to tell me my soft heart could never survive it, and that’s why Mother kept me at a distance. Father made it sound like she was doing me a favor. Now? I’m not so sure.

“So…” I say, more than a little aware of the awkwardness between us. “Do you have any hobbies?”

“I read.”
