Page 32 of Owned By the Bratva

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“Did he say wife?”

“I didn’t know he was married.”

“What’s your name, sweetheart?”

“Kinda young, isn’t she?”

My ears burn.

“Come along, Alina,” Pyotr says, so close to my ear I feel his lips brush against the outer curve of it. “Pay them no mind.”

By some miracle, we make it into the venue in one piece. It’s a relief, to be sure, though it’s no less crowded in here than outside. I’m surrounded by extravagance the likes of which I’ve never before seen. Champagne is freely flowing, the lights are dimmed and almost golden, and there’s even a chocolate fountain where a handful of guests help themselves to dipped fruit. A live band in the corner plays soft jazz, the music sweeping throughout the room. Naturally, the center of the ballroom has been cleared out, offering plenty of space for guests to dance the night away.

It’s all so dazzling I can’t help but stare. I feel as though I’ve walked straight into a dream.

“Stay close.” At first, I think Pyotr is talking to me, but I look up and realize he’s giving an order to Ben.

My bodyguard nods respectfully. “I’ll keep an eye on her, sir.”

“You’re not staying with me?” I ask Pyotr.

“I have to shake some hands,” he answers begrudgingly. “But I won’t be long. Help yourself to some food. I’ll come find you.”

A strange wave of disappointment washes over me. I know this partnership of ours is new, but I was sort of hoping he’d keep me at his side all night. I don’t know anyone here, after all. The idea of being by myself—Ben excluded—makes me uneasy. Nevertheless, I mosey on over to the refreshments table, Ben following hot on my heels.

“I’m sorry about the other day,” I tell him.

Ben hits me with a charming smile. “Don’t worry about it, Mrs. Antonov.”

“No, I really must apologize.”

“Seriously, it’s okay. Mr. Antonov explained everything. I should have been more vigilant, so that’s on me. I promise to do much better in the future.”

I smile at him. Ben’s sweet. He sort of reminds me of a golden retriever, determined and brave. He isn’t holding my little stunt against me, thank goodness.

“Do you want anything?” I ask, gesturing to the table.

“No, ma’am. I’m not allowed to eat while on duty.”

“Surely an hors d’oeuvres here or there wouldn’t hurt.”

“That’s the rule, ma’am. Besides, if Mr. Antonov catches me slacking off… Well, I’d rather not risk it.”

I pick up a small plate and help myself to tiny cakes cut into bite-sized cubes, popping one of them into my mouth. “Seems a bit excessive, doesn’t it?” I whisper to him. “A charity gala to raise money for food banks, yet the money spent on this gala could have been used instead.”

Ben shrugs. “You want my honest opinion?”

“Of course,” I say, leaning in to listen to the gossip.

“Most of these people, they’re all phonies. They’re here for the photo ops and the networking opportunities. They don’t actually care about feeding the poor.”

I furrow my brow. “I’m sure some of that may be true, but what about Pyotr?”

“Ah, he’s the exception. He comes every year and makes a massive donation matched by the event organizers. He’s the real deal.”

“You speak very highly of him.”

Ben chuckles. “He’s a good man. Rough around the edges, as I’m sure you know, but he’s very honorable.”
