Page 33 of Owned By the Bratva

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“How long have you worked for him?”

“Only about six months. My Aunt Merrybell was actually the one who landed me the interview. Mr. Antonov was kind enough to give me a shot despite not having much experience.”

I raise my eyebrows. “Merrybell is your aunt?”

“I know, I know. I’m a nepo baby. Don’t judge me.”

I throw my head back and laugh. “I’m not going to judge you.”

“I honestly didn’t think Mr. Antonov would go for it, but you’ve met my aunt. She can be a real firecracker. Hard for anyone to say no to.”

“Boy, I’ll say. Did you always want to be a bodyguard?”

Ben chuckles. “I wanted to be a cop, actually, but I failed the police academy exam.”

“Oh, I’m sorry.”

“Nah, it’s cool. Between you and me, this payswaybetter.”

I laugh again, feeling light and at ease. Ben’s really easy to talk to. I sincerely hope we can be good friends.

Out of nowhere, Pyotr swoops in from behind, his protective hand on the small of my back. He looks… kind of pissed, but I’m pretty sure that’s just his face.

“What’s so funny?” he grumbles.

“Ben was just telling me about his job—”

“Dance with me,” Pyotr says quickly, taking my hand to drag me out to the dance floor. I manage to give Ben my plate before I’m whisked away.

The song the band plays is slow and romantic, the golden tones of the saxophone coming in bright and clear. Pyotr takes my hand in his, his other arm wrapping tightly around my waist. His hold is sturdy and strong. I don’t really know how to dance, but he makes it easy, guiding my movements to the beat of the song. When I look up, I find him glaring in Ben’s general direction.

“Oh my God,” I say around a laugh. “Pyotr, are you…”


Are you jealous, I want to ask him, but decide against it. It certainly seems like he is. Did he see me laughing and smiling with Ben from afar? Is that why he swooped in like an eagle and whisked me away?

“You’re a really good dancer,” I say instead.

“I’m alright.”

I roll my eyes. “Take the compliment,husband.”

“What did he say to you?” he asks, clearly still hung up on what happened before. “What did Ben say to make you laugh?”

My stomach flips. I smile, surprised by his obvious irritation. “He just made a joke, that’s all.”

“What did hesay?”

“Honestly? I’ve already forgotten.”

“It must not have been that funny, then.”

As we spin around the dance floor, I can’t help but notice all the eyes on us. Men in their impressive suits, women in their gorgeous dresses—we have their undivided attention.

“Why are they staring at us?” I ask Pytor, making sure to whisper on his left.

“Not us. You.”
