Page 35 of Owned By the Bratva

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And now I want more.

The realization is daunting at first. The jolt of excitement I get when I know he’s looking at me is still new, but I find myself craving it. This new footing we’ve found for ourselves is thrilling, but do I dare allow myself to explore?

I decide to get back to the party. If I keep Pyotr waiting any longer, he might think I’ve tried to pull a fast one on him again. Our newfound trust is fragile, just a seedling. Given the importance of our marriage and the shaky alliance it upholds, the last thing I want is to shatter what little we’ve managed to build between us.

I find a man leaning against the opposite wall when I leave the bathroom. I don’t think anything of it at first. Maybe he’s waiting for someone. But when he sees me, he immediately smirks—a smirk that exposes his yellow teeth and a twisted incisor.

“So, you’re the belle of the ball, hm?”

I blink at him. “Excuse me?”

He approaches, taking a single step forward. I assume he is a guest because he’s dressed in a sharp tuxedo, but it doesn’t quite fit him right. He bulges in weird places. His shirt is a size too big and his pants are a size too small. He’sgreasy, and it’s honestly uncomfortable to look at. The man sticks out his hand to shake. “The name’s Richard. Richard Eaton Jones. I’m one of Peter’s business partners. I’m sure you’ve heard of me.”

I take a step back as my guts twist. This guy gives me the creeps, but if he’s Pyotr’s business partner, I try to be polite. “Is that so? Don’t you mean Pyotr?”

He chuckles. “Yes, yes. My pronunciation has always been off.”

But it’s not that hard…

“I’m afraid Pyotr hasn’t mentioned you, though he doesn’t tell me much about his work in general.”

“No? I guess we’ll have to get better acquainted on our own.”

His wording weirds me out. The air around him is at least two degrees colder than the rest of the hall. There’s a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach telling me to leave as soon as possible.

“I should really get back to the party,” I say with a polite smile.

I try to sidestep him, but Richard puts an arm out. “Now wait a second,” he says, voice thick and lips smacking. “I have to confess; I had no idea Pyotr got married. I’ve heard the rumors about you.”


“Yes, that he rushed off to Russia in the dead of night to marry you. I’d love to hear all about it.”

“Maybe some other time.” I try to get around him, but he uses his body to block my path.

“What’s he doing with a pretty thing like you, I wonder?” Richard goes on. “Come on, I adore a good love story.”

“Oh, uh…” I’msouncomfortable right now. “Were you waiting out here for me or something?” I ask him outright.

Richard laughs, scratching behind his ear. “Can you blame me? Pyotr’s been hogging you all to himself. I really wanted to introduce myself.”

“If you’re his business partner, you could have just approached us.” I frown, the alarm bells in the back of my head officially going off. “Who are you really?”

Richard’s expression suddenly grows dark, his grin twisting into a sneer. “Just someone who wants to be your friend. Come on, let’s get back to the party. I want the next dance.”

Panic lances through me. “I don’t want to.”

“Don’t be such a stick in the mud.”

“Get the hell away from me!”

“Let’s take a little walk,” Richard says, ignoring me entirely. “I think you and I might be able to help each other.”

“Help each other? What could I possibly want from you?”

“Please,” he says. “Like I’m actually going to believe you’re Peter’s wife. I bet he hired you for the evening.”

I shift uncomfortably, looking around for a way back to Pytor. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
