Page 37 of Owned By the Bratva

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“I made a scene.”

“Again, you did nothing wrong.Richardwas the one making a scene.”

“Are you mad at me?”

Pyotr gives me a flustered look. “Why would I be mad at you, Alina?”

I chew on the inside of my cheek. Mother used to always get mad at me over the littlest things. I’m so used to getting defensive, assuming those around me are seconds away from beating me down.

But Pyotr regards me with a gentleness and understanding I never would have expected. He doesn’t raise his voice, and he doesn’t have a hint of aggressive body language. He’s different than I first thought. I was never safe around my mother, but with Pyotr… He makes me feel safer than I’ve ever been.

And I don’t know how to feel about that.

Chapter 15


“Whoa, you two are back early,” Luka says casually as Alina and I stride into the penthouse together. We must have caught him mid-trip to the kitchen for yet another Red Bull. I should seriously consider telling him to switch to sugar-free if he continues drinking that crap. “You must be the missus.”

I huff. “You still haven’t introduced yourself?”

“I’ve been busy, dude.” Luka nods at Alina, offering the stiffest of smiles. “Nice to meet you. I’m the younger brother, Luka.”

She manages a soft smile. She sounds more tired than anything. “Ah, the vampire I’ve heard so much about.”



Luka frowns when he sees Alina’s swollen wrist. “What happened?”

“I need you to do some research for me,” I instruct, ushering Alina to the kitchen. “Richard Eaton Jones accosted her while at the gala. I want all the dirt you can find on him.”

Alina casts me a suspicious look. “How?”

“I told you the Antonovs have a talented hacker in their back pocket, didn’t I?”

“It’s Luka?”

Luka smirks, holding his head up with pride. “I’m my brothers’ secret weapon.”

“We need to get ahead of him and squash this thing,” I continue. “Damage control. You know the drill.”

My brother nods and starts up the stairs. “I’m assuming you want a media blackout while you deal with this?”


“Coming right up.”

Alina appears as quizzical as ever. “What’s going on? I don’t understand.”

“I’ll explain everything after I get you an ice pack.”

Her tension is almost palpable as I shift through the freezer and find a cold compress tucked away in the back. She sits at the kitchen island, anxiously worrying her bottom lip with her teeth.

This certainly wasn’t how I expected the evening to turn out. Had I known Richard was on the guest list, I never would have gone, let alone brought Alina along with me. I’d bet good money he either crashed the gala or bought his invitation through a generous last-minute donation. The only question I have iswhy?

Did he come with the intention of confronting Alina? Richard may be an annoying, dramatic son of a bitch, but he’s not stupid. This is a game to him, and while I’m not privy to the rules, I’m sure as hell not the kind of man who likes to lose.
