Page 63 of Owned By the Bratva

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In that moment, I swear to God the entire cafeteria suddenly goes still and all eyes are on us.

Eileen’s friendly smile falters, but only for a moment before she says, “Oh! How lovely. I didn’t see a ring on your finger when I popped in the other day, so I had no idea you’d gotten married.” She turns her gaze to Alina. “Goodness you’re so… young. I mean, beautiful. Please ignore me, I’m rambling.”

I absentmindedly clench my fists. That’s right. Our wedding ceremony had been so quick and impromptu that I’d given a ring to Alina, but not the other way around. It never occurred to me before, but now I’m hyper aware of how naked my finger feels.

“How long have you worked for CyberFort?” Alina asks.

“Only about a week,” Eileen replies. “Pyotr was kind enough to put in a good word for me with the accounting apartment. I was hired on the spot, thanks to him.”

“How generous of him. It sounds like you’ve known each other for a long time.”

Eileen giggles nervously. “Well, we used to be a bit of an item.”

Alina doesn’t look surprised, but nonetheless says, “Oh? I had no idea.”

I set my jaw. This is getting uncomfortable. I knew Eileen walking back into my life after twenty years was going to come back to bite me in the ass somehow. “It was a very long time ago,” I insist.

Eileen nods in agreement. “Ancient history.”

“I’d love to know more,” Alina says innocently. “Pyotr has nevermentioned you.”

I’m not sure whether this is supposed to be a jab at me or at Eileen or both. Whatever her intentions, Alina’s words are sharp and clipped—prodding a reaction out of us.

“Oh, uh…” Eileen anxiously smooths her skirt. “I’m not sure if this is an appropriate conversation for the workplace.”

“Sorry, I don’t mean to make you uncomfortable. I figured since it’s ‘ancient history,’ we may as well get to know each other.”

Eileen laughs uncomfortably. “We dated for about five years.”

Alina’s eyebrows shoot up. “Wow! Five whole years?”

“Yes, but it really was nothing.”

I frown at this. “Nothing?” I echo, struggling to hold back a note of bitterness.

Alina gives me a pointed glare. “You know what? I’m sure the two of you have a lot to catch up on. All that ancient history and such.” She turns on her heel to go.

“Where are you going?”


“You shouldn’t go by yourself. It’s not safe—”

“I’ll have Ben escort me.”

“Alina, wait.”

She doesn’t. In the blink of an eye, she storms off, disappearing around the corner before my brain has a chance to catch up.

“Oh, goodness,” Eileen mumbles, looking downright guilty. “I’m so sorry, Pytor. I shouldn’t have said anything. I never meant to upset her.”

“It’s not your fault,” I say quickly, already turning to follow Alina out. “Congrats on the job.”

Chapter 27


Istorm into the penthouse, so angry I can barely think. Pyotr follows me in, hot on my heels.
