Page 92 of Owned By the Bratva

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I must look worried because Pyotr dips down to murmur in my ear. “There’s no way out of this place. She’s all talk. No one has ever escaped the Pit before, and that’ll never change.”

The warmth and proximity of his body fills me with relief. I don’t know what I did to deserve a man like Pyotr, but I’m glad I have him. In a world that has been nothing but cold to me, he is my one and only protector. In many ways, I’m strangely thankful to Violetta. Arranging my marriage to Pyotr was ultimately the kindest thing she ever did for me.

“You can tell yourself whatever you want,” I say calmly. I’m emboldened by the thick sheet of bulletproof glass between us. Violetta will never get her hands on me again, and that thought alone is truly liberating. “I just wanted to take one last look at you before I go home.”

“Home,” Violetta scoffs. “What home?”

“To New York with my husband. While you’re in here rotting away, I’ll be far, far away and thriving.”

“You little bitch. You think you can get away from me that easily?”

“IknowI can.”

“Mark my words, Alina, I’ll be your worst fucking nightmare.”

I shrug my shoulders. “Save your breath, Violetta. You don’t scare me anymore.” The corners of my lips tug up into a confident smile. “Goodbye and good riddance,” I say, before turning on my heel and walking out the way I came.

* * *

I adore my nieces and nephews. They’re all energetic balls of energy, chaos incarnate, and I love it.

We’re gathered in Mikhail’s backyard, enjoying the sunshine and warm weather. It’s almost hard to believe only a week ago, we thought we were in for the fight of our lives. There’s no talk about the Bratva war, no discussion about how the Antonovs were not only able to take back the territory they’d lost, but the glorious addition of Salkov territory, as well. The Antonov Bratva have taken over Moscow completely but talk of rebuilding can wait until tomorrow.

For now, we celebrate.

“I know it’s a little early for a baby shower,” Aurora says as she hands me a gift wrapped box, “but I want you and Pyotr to have this.”

I can’t stop smiling. In the little time I’ve gotten to know them, Aurora and Natalya have become more like sisters than my actual sisters. Well, half-sisters, it would seem. I wonder if Oksana, Nikita, and Yasemin know the truth, that we didn’t share a mother. It would certainly explain why they never came to my defense or treated me with much kindness. I push them out of my thoughts. That’s all in the past now. What matters is what’s ahead of me.

I open the box and find a baby mobile inside. It’s beautifully crafted and designed in the shape of stars and planets. When the mobile rotates, it plays the soft notes ofTwinkle Twinkle Little Star.

“It’s beautiful,” I say. “Thank you so much.”

“Open mine next!” Natalya says excitedly, handing me a present of her own.

I tear into the gift wrap and pull out several pairs of little baby shoes in a wide range of sizes. “They’re so cute!”

“Babies growreallyfast, so here’s hoping there’s a pair for each stage of their development. Most of your money is probably going to go toward diapers and clothes, so I figured I could help you get a head start.”

“Thank you both so much. This is amazing.”

“We’ll make sure to visit once the baby arrives,” Aurora says. “I can’t wait for another niece or nephew to spoil.”

“Have you thought of names yet?” Natalya asks. “I have a book full of baby names lying around somewhere.”

I laugh. “I don’t even know if it’s a boy or a girl yet. I’m sure Pyotr and I will think of something soon, though.”

My gaze naturally finds Pyotr standing with his brothers by the deck. They’ve got a barbecue going, roasting burgers and hotdogs over a hot grill. I find him watching me with nothing but adoration in his eyes.

“God, that’s so weird,” Aurora comments with a laugh.

“What?” I ask.

“Seeing Pyotr smile. In all the years I’ve known him, I didn’t think it was possible.”

A giggle bubbles past my lips. “I must bring it out of him.”

“Boy, I’ll say.”
