Page 98 of Owned By the Bratva

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Walking out of the building feels like I’m skipping over clouds. The hard part is finally over.

“Let’s go get lunch to celebrate,” Pyotr says. “What are you hungry for, wife?”

“I have a craving for pickles and ice cream.” I laugh at the way my husband’s face curls up. “I’mjoking, Pyotr. How about that pizza place around the corner from us? The one with the brick ovens. We can bring Luka back a few slices.”

He wraps an arm around my waist and dips down to kiss me. I’m pretty sure that’s ayes.

Chapter 42


“Have you heard?” Merrybell asks, strolling into my office with purpose. “It’s all over the news.”

I arch a brow, though I don’t look up from my computer screen. I’ve been buried in paperwork for days, doing my best to keep on top of a new product launch. We have a new antivirus product set to release in the coming days and I need to ensure everything goes smoothly. It’s going to be a massive, world-wide update—and I’ll frankly be lucky if I only have to deal with a hiccup or three.

“Richard Eaton Jones was arrested today.”

Thatcatches my attention. I look up from my screen, trying to force away my smile. “Oh? What a shame.”

“Aren’t you going to ask what they got him for?”

“I have a pretty good idea, but I have a feeling you’re going to tell me anyway.”

“They got him on blackmail charges!” she tells me excitedly. “They found hard evidence in his inbox linking him to several hostile takeovers. The DA has everything they need to put him away for many, many years, provided his lawyers don’t figure out a way to get them to drop the case, of course.”

As happy as I am to hear the news, I don’t want to get my hopes up. Richard Eaton Jones is a slimy bastard. I’m sure he’ll find a way to weasel his way out of any serious charges, but I find some comfort in the fact his reputation will never recover from a scandal of this size. Will he lose it all? Probably not, but he’ll have a hell of a time showing his face in public again. I suppose I’ll take a win wherever I can get it.

Merrybell shakes her head in disapproval. “I never liked that man.”

“Believe me, nobody does.”

“Aren’t you running late?” she asks, checking her watch. “Your appointment is in an hour.”

“I promised to meet Alina there. I just need to send one more email, and then I’m taking the rest of the day off.”

“You must be very excited. You may get to find out what you’re having!” My personal assistant looks almost as overjoyed as I feel. “You must tell me how everything goes.”

“I will,” I promise. “What are you going to do with the rest of the afternoon?”

Merrybell shrugs. “I’m probably going to pop by Ben’s apartment to check on him. I really can’t thank Alina enough. Please do give her my thanks again, okay?”

I press my lips into a thin line but nod anyway. After Ben was released from the hospital, the police were there to pick him up immediately after. Thankfully for him, Alina changed her story, telling the authorities that instead of helping Violetta kidnap her, Ben tried to protect her and was shot.

I personally wouldn’t have stuck my neck out for him. I’m livid just thinking about it, but my wife and her soft heart didn’t want to see Ben behind bars. He’s still young with the rest of his life ahead of him. Since she wasn’t hurt and he was shot in the chest, she figured he’s more than learned his lesson.

“You tell him to be on his best behavior,” I tell Merrybell.

She gives me a knowing smile. “Believe me, I will.”

* * *

The first and only question I ask when I get to the doctor’s office is, “Where’s my wife?”

The nurse gestures down the hall. “I can take you right this way, Mr. Antonov. We’ve taken her to Exam Room C.”

When I enter, Alina greets me with the biggest smile I’ve ever seen. She’s already seated on the exam table, dressed in a paper gown provided to her. We’re long overdue for this checkup, which is why I can practically feel her excitement buzzing in the air like an electric current.

“How was work?” she asks me as I step into the room.
