Page 21 of Wicked as Secrets

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“I settled the bill for dessert.”

“I would have done that.”

“My way was faster.”

So she was in a hurry to peel off their clothes and get into bed, too? “Smart woman.” He took her hand. “Follow me.”

He led her back through the lobby, then up a giant wooden staircase to the second floor. After a quick search, he found the door to their suite and opened it, ushering her in with a hand at the small of her exposed back.

Even at first glance, the place surpassed his expectations. A four-poster bed in a dark wood dominated the room. Delicate side tables with airy lamps, backed by gilt-framed mirrors on gray walls, added a softer feel, along with the pale blue and white bedding. Throw pillows, a potted palm, and a fresh bouquet of flowers gave the space refined touches.

“It’s beautiful,” she breathed.

“Glad you think so.” He shut the door behind them and locked it, then turned to find her wandering past a gray loveseat and a pedestal table filled with everything they’d need for coffee service, then into the bathroom.

She gasped. “Oh, my god.”

Matt rushed up behind her and took in the view. The white tile and soft blue accents gave the room old-fashioned romance vibes. He’d been damn lucky the room was even available.

“That steamer shower…” He could picture wrapping Madison’s long hair around his fist with one hand as he covered her back and sank his cock inside her while he worked her clit to a frenzy with the other.

Jesus, he hadn’t even kissed this girl yet, and he was already desperate and hungry for her.

“No. That tub…”

Despite the fact the huge clawfoot fixture was built for two, having sex inside it without splashing water all over the hardwoods would be complicated, but if that’s what she wanted…

He plucked off Stetson and tossed it aside before he eased up behind her, swept the hair off her neck, then lowered his lips to her velvety fair skin. He loved the way she shivered in his arms. “You want to start here, honey?”

She peeked over his shoulder, her eyes dark and her face breathless. “Anywhere. Just kiss me.”

* * *

The moment Matt laid his lips on the back of her neck, Madison shuddered. She’d never been so aroused that she struggled to breathe, but the instant he’d touched her, she trembled. Her head raced. Her thoughts swam. It wasn’t smart to give into her feelings this quickly. She’d been burned too many times, starting with her first during her senior year of high school, all the way to the most recent, Zy. After him, she’d sworn off men, reminding herself that sex didn’t give her the love or affection she craved. That she didn’t want to feel as if she’d been used, then trashed the day after anymore.

But Matt felt different. Her instant ease around him wasn’t like any vibe she’d ever experienced with a guy. He was fun, but he had a serious side. He was friendly, but she sensed he could be very protective. And if EM Security had offered him a job, the man had skills. Zy was a demolitions guy, Trees the scary tech of the team, while One-Mile was obviously the sniper. What role would Matt fill?

He unfastened the button of her dress at her neck and lowered the zipper along the small of her back. Then he reached under the fabric and settled his hands over her hips, bringing her against him, where she felt exactly how much he wanted her.

Madison closed her eyes, absorbing the sizzling sensation of his hands on her skin. June had barely started, but his touch made her feel hotter than an August Sunday on the bayou. And nearly as wet.

He skated his palms up her stomach, tracing her ribs, before he cradled her breasts while he skimmed her shoulder with his lips, inciting another tremor.

God, he was melting her.

Madison’s head fell back to his shoulder as his thumbs skimmed her nipples. Everything between her legs tightened to a gnawing ache that made her weak in the knees. She didn’t care what happened next as long as he eased this staggering arousal.

“Oh, honey…” he murmured in her ear. “Aren’t you soft and sweet?”

The aching part of Madison told her to listen to her heart, let go, and just feel. What was left of her rational side told her to be careful. Shouldn’t she know a man longer than two hours before she jumped in bed with him?

She wriggled free and turned in Matt’s embrace, panting as she held her gaping dress against her chest with one hand. With the other, she pushed him away. “Wait.”

Bracing his palm on the wall above her head, he ogled her. He wasn’t touching her with his hands, but that stare… She had no air to think.

“What’s wrong?”

“I-I don’t…” Her words dried up. She couldn’t hold him responsible for the way other men had hurt her, but she also wasn’t ready to make herself vulnerable. “I don’t normally do this. Whatever Zy told you—”
