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For the next half hour, we volleyed back and forth with questions, getting to know each other. With every minute we spent together, I was more and more convinced that she was the one for me.

When our dinner was ready, I dished up a plate for each of us, then took the seat next to her. I waited a little nervously until she took a bite. Her hum of approval gave me a sense of satisfaction, but it also turned the semi I’d been sporting into a rock-hard erection.

“This is amazing,” she said with another moan after she swallowed her second bite.Fuck. “How does it taste so good when the ingredients are so simple?”

“It’s all about the spices and the quality of the ingredients that make it so delicious. When I don’t have time to get to the farmers' market, I have a service that sends me the fresh ingredients I request every week.”

Naomi burst into a fit of giggles, and I cocked my head to the side, wondering what had tickled her funny bone. “What is so funny, baby?”

She popped a bite of her meal into her mouth and shrugged, pointing at her lips.

“Nice try, Naomi,” I muttered with a chuckle as I pulled her plate out of reach.

After she swallowed, she giggled again before explaining. “It was just the image of this big, sexy, intimidating football player at a farmers' market. I’m guessing you don’t exactly blend in.”

‘’Sexy, huh?” I replied with a wide grin as I swiveled my chair to face her.

Her cheeks stained with pink as she realized what she’d said. “Is that all you heard?”

I fucking loved making her blush. She was so gorgeous, and I wondered if that was how she would look after I made her come. Flushed with passion and satisfaction.

“I hear everything you say, baby,” I told her softly as I turned her chair so our knees were touching. “I was simply choosing to focus on the fact that you find me sexy and irresistible.”

Naomi scoffed, but she was fighting a smile. “I didn’t say anything about irresistible.”

“Hmm, it must be you I’m thinking about then.”

Her eyes widened when I wrapped my hands around her hips and dragged her forward to straddle me. The blue pools were filled with desire, and my willpower deserted me.

With one hand still cradling her hip, I used the other to hold her chin as my mouth descended. Her plump lips were soft, and I became instantly addicted. I groaned as I slanted my head and ran my tongue along her seam. She opened immediately, and we moaned in unison when my tongue swept inside her mouth. Her sweetness was even more amazing than I’d imagined. My cock swelled even more, especially when I wondered if her pussy would be even sweeter.

Naomi’s hands had gone to my shoulders when I first kissed her, but they tentatively slid up, going around my neck and plunging into my hair. I wanted her to yank on it as she writhed with passion. I wanted to feel her legs squeezing my waist while her pussy gripped my cock. A brief thought that I might be moving too fast sifted into my mind, but then Naomi moaned and scooted forward, resting her center right on top of my aching dick.

I was about to grab her ass and carry her to my bedroom when the sound of Nixon’s voice broke us apart. “Answer the phone, Mims. Don’t you love me?” Then he repeated it, and Naomi groaned, dropping her forehead against my chest. “Answer the phone, Mims. Don’t you love me?” he said again. I glanced around, completely confused until Naomi leaned back and pulled her phone from the pocket of her jeans.

“I’m so sorry. My idiot brother likes to snatch my phone and make obvious ringtones for himself.” She stabbed the screen and put her cell to her ear. “What?” she snapped. Her brother’s voice had kind of killed my erection, but when her eyes flashed with fire, I was instantly hard again.

Since she was on my lap, I could clearly hear his part of the conversation. “Ouch, Mims,” Nixon muttered with a laugh. “What’s got you so grouchy?”

Naomi’s face turned crimson, and I grinned, earning myself a scowl—which only made me laugh.

“Are you with Prentice?” he asked. “How’s it going? Was he impressed? The few posts you’ve already done for me are fucking awesome.”

“Um…” Naomi looked a bit overwhelmed, so I took the phone.

“Hey, Nixon. Your sister really knows her stuff.”

“Right? Thanks for giving her a chance. She never gives herself enough credit.”

“I’ll remember that.”

Naomi snatched the phone back and rolled her eyes. “Stop talking about me like I’m not here.”

“Then speak up, Mims!” Nixon teased.

“I don’t think you’ll want to hear what I have to say,” she told him with a snort.

“Aw, I already know how much you love me, Mims. Anyway, I was just calling to see if you’d stop and grab some Red Vines on the way home.”
