Page 2 of Omega Run

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The female said, “We have an informative film for you to watch.”

“Oh, goody.” She took a few steps on the floor. “So, let’s get this party started.”

“You aren’t going go object or fight?”

Lyra shrugged. “I was dead. I know I was dead. I don’t know who was supposed to be in this body, but if they come back, I will leave... somehow.”

The woman took her hand and led her out of the silvery door into a hallway. There was a clatter of an instrument tray when Lyra entered an exam chamber. Medical staff were staring at her.

“Excuse me, miss. Why are they staring at me?”

The woman smiled. “When you see the video, you will understand.”

“Oh. Okay.”

“You have strange speech patterns.”

“Well, based on the pointy ears, my soul is in the wrong body.”

The medical staff were listening keenly; their silvery skin was very definitely not human.

They led her to a bed, and the female lifted her dress over her head before helping her hop up and settling her in place. She placed a halo with a clear gem on the forehead on Lyra’s head and ordered to relax.

She pursed her lips. There was nothing like being ordered to relax to make sure that it never happened.

Her temples tingled where the halo pressed against her skin, and a crimson light filled the room.

All of the physicians were silent until the tingle stopped and the light winked out.

Lyra asked, “What was that?”

The male who had been in her room said, “It was a species identifier. It denoted your origin.”

“Oh. Great.”

The female snickered.

The rest of the scans went along without any discomfort, and then the female murmured, “Breathe deep. This is the final exam.”

Soft loops snagged her wrists and held her down, her ankles were treated to the same, and then they were widened. The probe that pressed against her sex and slipped inside made her squirm. When the probe began to swell, her eyes got huge, and she tried to move again. They released a mist near her face, and the thick scent made her cough, but there was a flood of moisture from between her thighs that would dehydrate her if it continued. It was an exaggeration, but it was disconcerting. The scent faded, and the probe pulled free of her without deflating.

She gasped and heard a sound from her throat that she had never heard before. A soft whine that was desperate and begging.

She shuddered, and the cuffs released. Lyra slammed her legs together and sat up. “What the actual fuck was that?”

The medics stared in shock at her attitude.

The male she had met was looking at her in dawning glee. “We have a successful omega!”

“Shall I alert the project heads?” The female grinned.

“At once. They are going to want to meet her.”

Lyra made a T with her hands. “Time out. I need clothes and a towel. I don’t know what was in that probe, but I am soaked.”

She looked down at her breasts with nipples the same pale pink as her lips and the neatly trimmed thatch of blue pubic hair. “Yeah, clothes are good.”

The male said, “I will clothe her; you send the missive. I expect to have a representative down here within the hour.”

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