Page 22 of Omega Run

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Mahel muttered, “Speak for yourself.”

Imko grinned. “Lyra, Himmy wants you here when she goes into labour. I expect your mates to make sure that you are there.”

Lyra smiled. “I think that ten days will be enough to take the edge off.”

Her mates looked at her with amusement.

Imko shook his head with a grin. “You come back for the birth, and then you can return for another ten days.”

“Wait. How long is normal?”

Imko chuckled. “I hid Himyana away for forty days before they came looking for us.”

Kresso snorted. “You mean before we found you.”

He shrugged. “Himmy was used to me by the time you found us.”

Lyra grinned. “She told me she was desperate for food cooked by anyone else. You have an issue with seasoning, Imko. You need to use some.”

Imko smiled. “You are not going to be so amused when they finish with you.”

She decided to play and let big tears fill her eyes. “They won’t want me anymore?”

Imko blinked. “Uh...”

Kresso growled at his younger brother. “You upset her.”

Mahel was snarling and holding the capsule close.

She sighed and cleared her features. “Don’t worry about it, Imko. I am sure you will be all smug with the next omega that wakes up. Threatening virgins with alpha cocks isn’t polite.”

He flushed and winced. “You are going to tell Himmy about that, aren’t you?”

“Oh, yes. Doesn’t matter that I have ridden Kresso’s toy so much that I have worn it out. It’s still mean.”

Kresso’s eyes got hot. “Where is the transport?”

Imko chuckled. “Other side of the trees. It’s coming down now.”

Lyra saw the ship descending, and Mahel lifted her capsule and started walking off with her. She heard Imko saying they were registered to her now, so he wished Kresso the best of luck.

Kresso was with them before they left the trees, and the pod was set in a slot and strapped down. She knew she wasn’t getting out of the pod until they got where they were going, which was why her pod had life support. It also contained her sweaty scent, so it didn’t add fuel to their fire.

Lyra tried to get comfortable at the bottom of the pod. “So, how long is our flight?”

Kresso growled. “Half an hour. I could get us there faster.”

Mahel snorted. “So could I, but I am saving my energy for better pursuits.”

She looked at him and asked, “Tell me about yourself. What do you do, what are your hobbies, what type of woman do you prefer?”

She saw Kresso shaking his head at Mahel. “Kresso, I already know about you. Himmy told me all about the women that gathered at the med centre in hopes of a personal exam. I am guessing that Mahel has something similar going on.”

Mahel spoke quietly, “I run a base in one of the colonies. I am in charge of the personnel. I play the Ythal harp, and as for women, I pay for whatever is available at the brothel.”

Kresso put his hand over his face and groaned.

“Oh. Can you still get it up if you don’t have to pay for it?” Lyra asked him directly.

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