Page 13 of Tempting the Player

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Chess could be the sweetest, fluffiest cupcake when she was happy. But when she was angry, she was an uncontrollable wildfire. Reason went right out the window and was replaced by impulse.

She dropped her purse beside the still open door, then closed the distance between her and Tazeem, and grabbed his arm. With strength he didn’t even know she had, she yanked him from his seat. “Now get out.”

Her loud voice had drawn more attention. Several other people had joined the eavesdropping trio who’d now dropped all pretense of passing by. They were all just standing a few feet from the door watching the commotion between Chess and Tazeem. Chess didn’t notice the onlookers – or maybe she noticed but didn’t care. She kept pulling at Tazeem’s arm, determined to drag him out of her office.

At five-four, Chess was considered average height. But Tazeem was a giant in comparison. Even in her heels, she barely reached his chin. Moreover, he had several pounds on her weight-wise. So, the idea of her dragging him anywhere was laughable. But there were so many people watching them, that he let her pull him to the door. But when they got there, instead of leaving, he slammed the door shut.

His movements surprised her, which slowed her reactions. By the time she got her bearings back, he’d managed to spin her, then press her to the closed door. Her back was against the hard wood while her front was firmly attached to his front.

When she realized the position he’d maneuvered them into, she started to struggle. “Get off me.”

“I – I will. Just-” he rasped breathlessly as he tried to grab a hold of the hands that were pushing on his shoulder. “Just chill for – for a second.”

He only meant to keep her still so they could talk. But her struggling and his efforts to hold her had an unintended result. It brought her into harder contact with his body, and he could feel everything.


Her heavy breasts pressed into the hard planes of his chest. Her thighs and legs tangled with his. Her soft tummy rubbed against his fast-swelling cock…

The moment she felt his reaction, she stilled and her jaw drop. Her wide-eyed gaze dropped between them as if to confirm what she was feeling. The fury that crowded her gaze when she looked up to meet his eyes was chilling in its intensity. “Asshole!”

She began to struggle with more force, somehow managing to punch his shoulders in the process. Left with few options for defense, Tazeem took both her wrists and pressed them above her head on the wall.

“Can- can-” He panted. “-Can we just talk for a minute?”

“Get off me, Tazeem,” she ordered through clenched teeth. “I’m warning you. Get off.”

“I will when you relax.” He kept a tight hold on her wrists while the rest of his body held her hostage. “Relax.”

Realizing that words weren’t working, she renewed her struggles. But that only made things worse because he was forced to press harder into her and consequently his erection grew. Once she realized that, she stopped. But the damage was already done.

Once again, her gaze lowered to the non-existent space between their bodies, then back up to meet his. Disbelief filled her eyes. “Are you serious right now?”

“I can’t help it,” he rasped.

There was something about the helpless position she was in and how close they were to each other that just short-circuited his brain. Instead of realizing that she’d stopped struggling and letting her go, his hold on her wrists tightened.

Chess’s reaction should’ve been to cuss him out or start struggling again, but something in the air changed. The fury between them transformed into a tension that he couldn’t quite define. Where they were both panting just seconds ago, their breaths became deeper and longer. The longer they stared at each other, the softer and darker Chess’s gaze became.

Even after all these years, Tazeem still knew that look. It was the look Chess got when she wanted him. Now all that was left was for her to lick her lower lip. Then he’d be sure.

Sure enough, her lips parted and her tongue darted out and flicked against her lower lip.

That was it for him. Any self-control he had unraveled, and all he could think about was that she was turned on, and he was turned on too. The years between them disappeared, and the memories of what it felt like to kiss Chess overwhelmed him.

His mind conjured the memory of how good it had felt to play with her lush lips, and the lusty tangle of her tongue with his. Hints of how great she’d always tasted danced in his thoughts. Images of how she’d always wrapped her limbs around him whenever they kissed and demanded that he turn the kiss into more teased his senses.

And he wanted it all again.

He had to kiss her again.

He bent his head.

He was so wrapped up in his desire that he didn’t even realize that he’d loosened his hold on her wrists. Just before his lips had a chance to connect with hers, she put her hands on his shoulders, holding him firm, while her thigh shot up between his thighs.

“Ah!” A half-scream half-groan emerged from his lips as his groin exploded in excruciating pain. Sharp needle-like pain shot from his balls, to his spine, and into his kidneys when her knee connected with his dick.

On instinct, he backed away from her and doubled over in pain. She took the opportunity to roughly shove him out of her way. It probably wasn’t intentional, but that shove sent him straight toward the wall. Hunched over like he was, that meant that his head was the first to meet the hard stone.

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