Page 108 of Nero

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Nero sounds so hurt. Acting on instinct, I wrap the blanket around myself and go to him. “You didn’t want to do what?”

His back is to me, so it’s easy for me to see his shoulders bunch, and his head fall forward. It’s a stance I know well. It’s shame.

“I didn’t want to touch her. Putting my hand on her hip like that, so you’d see it…” He takes a deep breath. “I knew how much it would hurt you.”

The feelings of that moment float back into my chest, and I clutch the blanket tighter. “Then why did you?”

He takes his time to turn and face me.

When he finally does, he cups my face with his warm hands, keeping my eyes on his. “Because I needed time. I needed you to walk away from me before anyone knew who you were to me.” His forehead drops to mine. “I keep telling you, Sweet Girl, I’m a bad man. I have enemies that will kill you, or worse, to torture me. And when they find out how much I love you, they’ll battle each other, just to be the first to get to you. And if something ever happened to you…” He sucks in a breath. “I’ll burn this entire city to the ground.”

My heart is galloping behind my ribs. “You love me?”

Nero nods. “I must. There’s no other explanation for how you make me feel.”

My eyes well, and I’m so sick of crying, but this is the first time…

“No one…” I swallow against the tightness in my throat. “No one has ever told me they loved me before.”

The look in his eyes softens, just the smallest amount. “Me either.”

Mimicking his stance, I reach my hands up and press my palms to his cheeks. “I love you, Nero.”

“Good.” His chest expands on a deep inhale. “Good.” I sniffle, but he shakes his head. “No more crying. Not tonight.”

I nod, sniffing some more.

He brushes a kiss against the corner of my mouth. “And we’ll talk later about you packing up on your own. Like you were gonna try and leave me.”

“Okay,” I whisper, our lips so close.

His exhale blows across my cheek. “And we’ll never talk about you asking if I was going to kill you.” His hands slip around my neck, and he pulls me into a hug. “I would dig my own heart out of my chest before I’d hurt you.”

My arms circle his waist, and I hold him tight. “I’m sorry, I––”

He shushes me. “Not talking about it.” His arms squeeze me, before loosening. “Now get fucking dressed, Baby.”

Moving quickly, I grab up a pair of leggings, underwear from my duffel and a worn-to-threads oversized sweater.

In the bathroom, I do my best to clean myself up before getting dressed. Then I remember the whole conversation a moment ago, before theI love yous,and put all of my toiletries into a little bag.

I can’t believe I’m just going to move in with him.

It’s crazy. A terrible idea. Probably the worst. But… What do I have to lose?

Nero seems as head-over-heels for me as I am for him. And he’s offering me everything I’ve ever wanted. A home. Security. Safety.Love.

It might be the wrong choice, but I’m taking it. If I don’t, if I fight this and win, I’ll only regret it every day of my life.

He killed Arthur.

An unhinged smile stretches across my face, and I turn away from the mirror.

There’s probably something wrong with being happy about a man’s death. But, wow, I’m so happy.

Composing myself, I open the door, Nero standing in the kitchen, my bag at his feet, and the couch pushed back into place.

“Ready,” I tell him, but he’s not looking at me.
