Page 196 of Brave

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I flatten my palm on her stomach. “Are you happy, Tessie Belle?”

She gazes at me and cocks her head. “As if you really need to ask.”

Under my hand, our son kicks hard to remind us that he’s there.

She looks down. “Did you feel that?”

“Yup, there he is.”

Tess sighs and adds her hand to mine. “I didn’t know I wanted a boy until I heard he was a boy.”

“If he’s anything like me, he’ll be a hell of a challenge.”

She snuggles closer and her voice grows dreamy. “I hope he is. Boys are wonderful. I hope he’sjustlike his daddy.”

As the sun sinks lower and I hold my little family in my arms, I’m reminded of my grandmother. Her last words to me were of hope and bravery.

I wish Cecile could see me like this. And Ethan too.

Maybe they can.

If so, I hope they realize that I understand something important now.

I know what it is to love someone more than you love yourself.

To give her the key to your heart and show her your flaws.

Then to let her love you anyway, the way that you love her.

Yes, it is an act of courage.

And someday, that’s what I’ll tell my son.

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