Page 122 of Black Rose

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“Allow me,” I say, taking my own blade out of Bellamy’s heart, then without more than a glance, I whip it toward Solon, who thankfully ducks out of the way. My blade goes straight into the heart of the other witch, where she screams and staggers until she drops dead.

“Two for two,” Valtu says with a growl. “I don’t think I’ve ever wanted to fuck you more.”

I grin at him, the adrenaline rolling through me. “Keep it in your pants for now.”

“Yes, please keep it in your pants,” Solon says, walking over and rubbing the back of his neck. “I managed to bite that other guy’s head off. Still not as impressive as you, Valtu,” he concedes with a smile.

Meanwhile I’m looking around us at all the chaos, the people screaming and stampeding away from us.

“Okay,nowwe need to go,” I say.

“I’ll try to compel who I can,” Solon says, glancing around as we start running toward the exit. “Valtu, try to do the same.”

“Bellamy said that they won’t remember the moments before and after this,” I say, running alongside them. “And that he did like an EMP thing to disable the tech.”

And from what I’m seeing as we book it out of the bazaar, past people tapping on their phones angrily or shaking their cameras, it seems that Bellamy was at least telling the truth about that. With any luck, there will only be a few weird stories about what happened in the spice bazaar, but no proof of it happening.

Well, other than some dead bodies. But that’s not our problem.

“Do you think they’re really dead?” I ask as we burst out into the daylight, pigeons scattering into flight.

“If that goth cunt’s head can reattach itself, then I think he probably deserves to live,” Valtu remarks as we cut down a narrow alley toward the hotel. “As for Bellamy, I think you did it, Rose. I think you killed him.”

“Yeah, but we both thought you killed Saara when you lit her on fire,” Solon reminds him. “And you didn’t.”

Valtu gives him an annoyed look. “At least she’s not hell-bent on revenge and is leaving us alone.”

“For now,” Solon says.

“Then if she comes back, I’ll be quick to rip her head off too,” Valtu says.

“Look, Bellamy is dead,” I insist. “I won’t accept any other response. We found their weakness. Everyone has one.”

“Spoken like a true warrior,” Valtu comments. “I hope you’re proud of yourself because I sure as fuck am.”

Honestly, I think I’m proud but it all happened so fast that I’m having a hard time catching up to reality. I did it. I actually fucking did it. I killed Bellamy and his little witchy minions. I got the revenge I wanted.

Then why does it feel so hollow? Like it’s not enough? I was expecting this to fill me, make me feel whole, like the final missing puzzle piece. But there’s just this vague sense of accomplishment and a relief at him being gone and that’s it.

“I’ll feel better when I see Leif,” I tell them, shaking my arms, trying to dissipate the leftover adrenaline. We’re not running as fast now, and so far no one seems to be following us with news cameras and the like.

“We’ll get him back, Rose,” Valtu tells me. “This was just step one.”

“Have any of you heard from them?” I ask.

They both check their phones and shake their head. “No. But I’m sure they’re fine,” Solon says, though he absolutely has no reason to think that. What if my parents are battling the same kind of situation that we just did? We all nearly died multiple times.

We get into the hotel and go straight to our room. We take turns washing the spices and blood off our bodies, crack open a couple of bottles of red wine, and we drink and we wait. Abe isn’t answering his phone, neither is Lenore or my parents and I’m starting to feel really sick to my stomach. I thought we could be popping open the champagne by now but—

Suddenly there’s a knock at the door.

All our eyes go wide and Valtu shoots to his feet, hurrying to the door, Solon and I coming after him.

Valtu looks through the peephole then opens the door.

On the other side is Lenore, looking as beat up as I looked earlier, hair a mess, mascara smudged under her eyes, and a bit of blood at her collar.

“Where is everyone else?” I cry out as she steps inside, the door closing behind her. “Where are my parents?”
