Page 123 of Black Rose

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“Why haven’t you been answering your phone?” Solon says, brushing past me and going straight to her, cupping her face in his hands. “Moonshine, what happened?”

Lenore gives him a shaky but reassuring smile and then looks at me.

“We found your brother.”



Ican’t believe what I’m hearing.

I have to blink a few times. “You’re serious?”

“You found him?” Valtu asks.

She nods. “Yep.”

My brows go up impatiently. “And? Where is he? Where is everyone else?”

“They’re in Wolf…they’re in your parents’ room with Van Helsing. He’s just giving Leif a look over, judging how mentally sound he is. He’ll be here soon and can tell us more.” She looks at Valtu. “Can I use your bathroom to take a shower? I feel like hot garbage.”

“Sure,” he says and she heads in there.

Solon follows, giving us a look like he’ll get the details from her, and they close the door.

“Feel better now?” Valtu asks me.

“I think so,” I say. “And hey, you were worried too.”

“You’re right, I definitely was. Your dad’s ass is so easily kicked.”

I give him a steady look though I have to bite back a smile. “Is this how it’s going to be?”

“A vampire not getting along with his in-laws?” he says, coming over to me and putting his hands at my waist. “How utterly human.”

“In-laws,” I muse, laughing up at him. “I didn’t know we had gotten married.”

“You don’t remember our wedding?” He kisses me softly on the forehead. “I’m insulted.”

“But our vows were ‘until death do us part.’”

“And death didn’t do us part,” he says, his dark eyes shining. “Death merely paused our marriage, that’s all. We’re still married. Maybe you’re not Lucy now, but it’s your soul that gets married, not your name. And you belong to me.”

I can’t help but grin and he pulls me into a warm hug and I wrap my arms around him. “So you’re still my husband?”

“And you’re still my wife,” he whispers, planting his lips on the top of my head. “And I’ve never been so in fucking awe of you, my dove. You did what you set out to do. You got justice for Dahlia. For your parents. For Leif.”

At the mention of his name my heart twists a little. “But did I? What if he’s not okay?”

“He’s probablynotokay,” he says. “But he’s with your parents now and it’s a start. Bellamy is gone. This is day one. It’s going to be a long road ahead. But I’ll be with you every step of the way. So will your parents. None of you will do it alone.”

“When did you get to be so nice?” I muse, pulling back to gaze up at him.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be an asshole when it counts,” he says with a crooked grin while a lock of his black wavy hair falls across his forehead. I reach up to push it back and he leans down and captures my mouth in his, kisses me, soft, long and sweet.

“Ahem,” Solon says, clearing his throat as he steps out of the bathroom.

“Cockblocker,” Valtu mutters under his breath as we break apart.
