Page 133 of Black Rose

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“We did it,” she says, giving me a joyous smile that lights her up from the inside.

“You did it,” I tell her. “I merely contributed in a highly enjoyable way.”

Van Helsing also looks proud as hell. He should be. I know it weighed on him a lot to have lost Lucy and the baby. He grins at us, finding his own redemption.

Then he hands the baby to Rose and she holds him in her arms, rocking him slightly. The baby isn’t crying at all, just a few soft whimpers, and I’m struck by what a natural Rose is at this. She was born to do this.

And she was born to be with me.

She coos at Constantine and then glances at me with the softest eyes. “I honestly didn’t think this would ever happen,” she whispers. “I didn’t think life would be so kind.”

“But it’s happened. And it’s kind. And he’s perfect, Rose. He found us.”

“My heart found yours, Val,” she whispers to me before beaming down at Constantine. “And now both our hearts have found him.”

I wipe the tear from my eye and lean over, kissing the top of her head.

Then I lean further and kiss the top of Constantine’s, breathing in my baby’s smell until my eyelids flutter. Love floods my veins, until I’m completely enveloped by this feeling of being so perfectly complete that it feels like I’m levitating.

It may have taken nearly five hundred years, but I finally have my family.

Finally together.

Finally whole.

