Page 71 of Black Rose

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But I’ve fed from one, I want to yell, but I tried to tell him that before.

“I have blood pills,” I quickly say. “Abe gave them to me.”

All I see is a cold, cunning smile. “You don’t have them anymore. I flushed them down the toilet.”

“You what!?” I exclaim, my face going hot with rage. “How could you do that? I needed those!”

“And if the doctor hadn’t given you any, then what would you have done? Did you think you could rely on my generosity? You’re lucky I’m being this hospitable with you. Normally I’d keep this human for myself.”

“Then keep him for yourself! I said I don’t want him. He’s not a volunteer, he didn’t consent to this. You had him abducted!”

“Consent,” he scoffs and his lip curls in another sneer. “Now you’re pretending to take the high road. You realize you came here to be my fucking whore. To get fucked, to get used, to do whatever I please. You think you have some kind of greater moral standing than I do? You’re just as bad as I am.”

I am not!I want to yell but I know that would be a mistake.

“I consented to that. Not to this,” I tell him, my eyes darting to the boy and back. God, he reminds me of Dylan when he was eighteen. I can’t look at him anymore.

“Does it look like I’m forcing you to do anything?” Valtu says snidely.

Then he walks over to the table, picks up the knife and slices along the boy’s artery in his arm.

I scream as the blood spurts out and I know I need to put something there to stop the bleeding, maybe my dress, or a dishrag, but the will to help the boy is fading away and being replaced by something else.

The smell of blood.

Young blood.

Fresh blood.

My tongue starts to tingle, my stomach starts to ache as if I haven’t eaten in years, my mouth goes painfully dry and I’m remembering Michael, remembering how good it felt to feed from a human.

But Michael volunteered. This boy didn’t. And he’s scared to death.

“You’re just going to let him bleed out like that?” Valtu admonishes me. “Tut tut, that’s very wasteful of you, Rose.”

I glare at Valtu with all the fury I can spare, wondering why the sight of blood isn’t doing the same thing to him, how he can keep so cool while I feel my hunger is ripping me apart at the seams.

“I don’t want him,” I manage to say, but my words are so weak that Valtu doesn’t believe me and I don’t believe it, either.

“You do,” he says, running his fingers over the blood in the wound and bringing it over to my face.

I shrink back from his hand, trying not to breathe in the blood, and pinch my eyes shut. Inside I feel like I’m on fire, like I’m going to go insane.

“You’ve submitted to me, my black Rose,” he murmurs, his voice filling my head. “Now submit to your darkest instincts.”

I open my eyes to see him sliding his fingers into his mouth, the blood pooling between his lower teeth and his bottom lip. I can’t look away as his fangs sharpen into existence.

Then he grabs me by the back of my neck and kisses me.


His mouth envelopes mine, strong and commanding, his lips soft yet firm, and blood spills onto my tongue while the heat of it all takes my breath away. It awakens a yearning so sharp, so deep, that I fear it might never abate.

I press my hands on his shirt, wanting to push him away because to keep his lips on mine, his tongue fucking my mouth with such fierce urgency, is only making me hungrier. It’s making me into an animal, a predator at the top of the food chain, and I want nothing more than to fuck Valtu, then rip that boy apart.

Instead my fingers curl around Valtu’s shirt as I attempt to hold on to him, keep his mouth on mine, and our kiss deepens in its intensity. He lets out a moan, sounding almost surprised, then tightens his hold on my neck to keep me in place as he kisses me harder. My lips respond in kind, having wanted to kiss him for so long. The blood is gone now, swallowed down my throat, and yet we’re losing ourselves to this, tous.I’ve slid back in time and I’m Dahlia and Lucy and Mina and he’s kissing me like he kissed them. I might just melt on my feet, I’d forgotten how beautiful and dizzying it was to be kissed by him.

But when he pulls back, breathing hard, his wild eyes staring into mine with need and something else blurry and warm, my stomach twists sharply, and the urge to feed takes over even my feelings for Valtu.
