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I don’t know what I feel, to be honest. During every voyage across the Pacific, land has represented a change from the monotony at sea. Personally I don’t mind that monotony, the sea means freedom to me and the land is just a place to get in trouble. But the crew loves it when we pull into the harbors. There are fresh victims for us to feed on, fresh cunts and cocks to fuck, and fresh treasures to steal. The Brethren aren’t like Maren, we aren’t sea-going creatures to start with, and even I will admit there’s a sense of grounding there that you don’t often get floating above the waves.

It also represents the start of the pirate raids for us. We go up and down the Pacific coast of New Spain, from the Bay of Banderas to Acapulco, looting galleons from their wares, whether it’s gunpowder, silk, ivory and jade coming from Manila, or heaps of silver coins, wine and weapons just setting out from Acapulco. Either way, the galleons are always loaded and even with their convoy with them, things get chaotic close to land and easier for us to take over.

Now, however, our purpose isn’t the same as it was when we left Manila. When we left we had a hold full of treasure to spend and barter with when we got to this side of the ocean. We also had a prince and a princess to hold for ransom. But the prince is long gone, the princess is now a pirate—even if she doesn’t think so herself—and the treasure we have in the hold doesn’t seem as important as the chance to fight Edonia. We all know she lives somewhere along this coast, and so even though getting to land is imperative for the crew, it’s not the end of the battle for me.

Maren appears beside me, squinting at the horizon.

And she’s another reason why the sight of land is bringing forth so many conflicting feelings. Our voyage together is coming to an end. I love her and she loves me and yet I don’t know if that love is strong enough to prevent her from returning to her home if given half the chance.

“Wow,” she whispers. “I never thought land would look so strange.”

“Strange?” I ask.

She nods, and I’m noticing she looks a little unsteady on her feet. “Yes. The last I saw it were the islands, and it was good riddance to that creepy place. But so much has changed between then and now, between here and there. I thought I knew what I wanted the last time I saw land. Now that I’m seeing it again, I’m not sure what I want.”

What you want is me, still, isn’t it?I want to ask.

I just put my hand at her lower back and she leans into me, falling over slightly.

“Are you alright, luv?” I ask, peering down at her. She still looks pale and when I glance at the bandage around her arm, I can see a hint of red peeking through. The sight of blood stirs a primal hunger in me, which I bury deep for now.

She nods and makes a faint noise of agreement. “I’m fine.”

God almighty, she didn’t do what I think she did…

“Maren,” I say, grabbing her shoulders and forcing her to look at me. “Look me in the eyes.”

She slowly opens them, swaying. They color of them is the pale blue of a shallow shoal, barely any pigment in it left.

She’s been drained.

My jaw tightens. “You didn’t give them blood did you?”

She gives me a tired smile. “It’s all in a bottle. Thane has hidden it. Please don’t be mad.”

“Mad?!” I explode, livid. I quickly look around for Thane. I’m going to kill the bastard. “Thane!” I yell. “Where are you?! Where’s the bottle?”

But when I spot Thane he’s standing by the helm on the aft deck now, staring down at the water.

I let go of Maren and march over to the steps to the aft deck, running up them until I’m at his side.

I push at his shoulder to get him to look at me. “Thane,” I growl.

But he just stares down at the water with horror in his eyes. It’s a look that makes my own blood run cold.

“What?” I ask and I peer over to see what he’s staring at.

At first the ocean looks normal, a deep blue, richer than it’s seemed all voyage since we’re getting closer to land now. Then I realize there’s something moving under the surface. Something dark, very dark, and impossibly large.

A hint of yellow eyes.

I suck in my breath and yell like I’ve never yelled before.

“It’s the Kraken!”


