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I will have agency until I die.

I let out a growl of determination and hop over to the porthole to see where abouts we are. To my surprise I’m looking out at a familiar looking jungle and a beach that still has ruts in the sand from where the ship’s boat was launched. We haven’t left the bay at all. Is Nerissa’s pull keeping the ship in place now, no matter what?

I cup my hands on the salt-flecked glass to get a better look when suddenly a pair of stormy eyes shoots up into my vision.

I yelp and stumble backward in shock, falling on my rear.

There at the window is Ramsay.

“How on earth?” I attempt to say, and he frowns at me, perhaps noticing I’ve been gagged with a rusted chain. Then his attention goes over to Sedge and Ramsay grins at him, giving him a little wave.

Sedge waves back, happy to see his captain.

When I look back to the window however, the captain is gone.

“Huh?” I go to the porthole again to look out and see nothing.

Then I hear the muffled sound of glass breaking elsewhere in the ship, the sound of footsteps, and then a soft rap at our door.

My heart leaps into my throat and I exchange a worried look with Sedge. I don’t really want it to be Ramsay, but I definitely don’t want it to be the skeleton crew.

I’m about to tell whoever it is to come in or something ridiculous to that end, when suddenly I hear the door unlocking.

I suck in my breath and wait.

The door opens and Ramsay steps inside, his larger-than-life presence filling the small space. Even though I still hate the monster, part of me is absolutely relieved he’s here. There’s comfort in my disdain for him.

“Here you are,” he says softly.

“How did you get here?” I cry out in a muffle.

“It’s helpful to have a key that can open any lock.” He displays a key which he puts back in his pocket and then frowns at the metal in my mouth. “The crew may lack brains in those skulls, but I admit that’s a smart way to shut you up.”

“Flog off,” I swear, hoping he understood that too.

“I will,” he says. “But first I’m here to rescue my dear Sedge.” His gaze goes to Sedge and I watch the captain’s flippant expression crumble in real time. “I thought I saw this through the window, but I didn’t want my eyes to be telling the truth.”

He goes over to Sedge and kneels by his side, placing his hand on top of Sedge’s blond hair, ducking his head down to stare intently into his mate’s eyes. “I will fix you. I promise you that.”

Sedge nods, believing it.

Honestly, I believe it too. The look of devotion and determination in Ramsay’s face would make any crowd rally behind him.

Yes, he does this for Sedge. But for you? He’ll drain your blood.

I know that voice is correct. But at the same time my heart feels a little too big for my chest, as if part of me wants to imagine that he would do the same for me. That Iwanthim to do the same for me.

I swallow it down and remember what I told myself.

I will have agency until I die.

Ramsay swings his gaze to me now.

“Did they hurt you?” he asks, his jaw going tight.

I give my head a shake and show him my bindings, trying to say,they did this.

He tilts his head as he considers me, his features relaxing, that damn infuriating twinkle back in his eyes. “I can’t say I blame them. Do you, luv?”
