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Kate was stunned. He was truly going to give up life in a palace for her?

“Really. I’ve agreed on everything with my family. I might need to visit Charcieux occasionally, and I’d still love for you to visit one day so you can see where I come from, but my home is with you. I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

They’d never said it out loud to each other before, although if Kate was honest, she’d been in love with Emile for a long time. Maybe since the very first day that he’d walked into the cafe. She would never let a day go by again without saying it, without showing this man just what it meant for them to build a home together.

At those words, he gathered her tighter in his arms and crushed his mouth to hers, and Kate melted into it for the briefest of moments before pulling away.

“There’s one more thing…” She should have been nervous to tell him the news, but after their declaration of love, she felt more confident than ever. She knew that Emile would be excited, just as she had been, to learn of their babies.

She took a step back and looked down to where her bump was protruding, before flicking her eyes back up to Emile’s. He looked dumbfounded.

“Is that…?”

“Yes. I’m pregnant.”

Emile let out a whoop of excitement. Picking her up, he swung her around, leaving her giggling and breathless.

“Sorry, is that bad for the baby?”

“Babies,” she corrected.

“More than one?” Kate didn’t think she’d seen Emile’s eyes so wide before.


“THREE?” His shout drew the attention of the crowd.

“Uh-huh. It’s triplets.”

For a second, Kate was worried that Emile was going to pass out or even turn around and get back on a plane to Charcieux, and then he did the most surprising thing of all, and started sobbing, tears streaming down his cheeks as he kissed her face over and over again.

“Kate, you have already given me so much. You’ve changed my life. And now you are giving me even more. I am so grateful to you. So in awe of you. I can’t believe we’re going to be a family.”

Kate felt as though her smile would split her face in two. They really were going to be a family. Her and Emile, and their three babies. She didn’t think she’d ever been so happy in all of her life.

“Come on,” she said, taking Emile’s hand in hers. “Let’s go home.”



The house was surprisingly quiet when Emile stepped inside, relishing the cool of the air-conditioning after walking home in the dry heat of the morning.

“You’re not supposed to see the bride before the wedding, it’s bad luck!” Laura screeched, appearing around the corner with Elijah in her arms.

The little boy immediately clapped his hands and reached out for his father. No matter how many times he received that greeting from his children, Emile would never be sick of it. He might have only stepped outside to check the mail, but they always acted as though he were returning from war.

“I come bearing coffee.” He held up the cups as a peace offering against Laura’s glare and popped them down on the kitchen counter before scooping Elijah into his arms. The little boy immediately snuggled in and Emile dropped a kiss on his head, breathing in the sweet baby scent of him.

“Is that Emile?” He heard Kate’s voice, and the unmistakable babble of his two daughters, Olivia and Rosemary.

“Yes, and you’re not supposed to see each other before the wedding!”

“Why not?” Kate sounded genuinely confused as she entered the kitchen, holding both girls. Emile had always been impressed by Kate, but watching the way she managed to effortlessly juggle three babies only made him love her even more, if that were possible.
