Page 37 of Cyprus's Truth

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“Because she’s not like the others, and I wanted to know what her deal was and why she was always sticking close to Jamie. She told me everything. And you will want to do everything to make sure she survives,” Victoria states, brushing her hair out of her face, smearing blood on her cheek. “There’s a lot she knows, and she’s willing to talk. She knew who Lorena was and told me about it just before everything happened with Daisy. I didn’t get to confront the bitch like I wanted because Noelle was in trouble.”

“We’ll find out what she knows, and we’ll make sure she survives. Do you know why she’d refuse a hospital?” Stoney furrows his brow and lets out a heavy breath.

“Because Perrin would find her and make sure she paid the price for disobeying his orders and failing.”

“Who the hell is Perrin?” Whip asks.

“He’s one sick bastard and the head honcho for the Supreme Masters,” Victoria answers nonchalantly.

Everyone goes still, and the air around us all thickens with the tension that takes its place.

“Come again?” Tracker grinds out. “You mean the motherfuckers who have been behind a lot of the troubles we’ve been dealing with?”

“The one and the same.” Victoria nods and wraps her arms around herself. “Can we please go inside now? I need to see our son.”

Tracker moves to her side and pulls her into his arms. “Yeah, Princess, but first, you need to get cleaned up. Afterward, we’ll be having a long conversation about this shit.”

Staring after them, I step up next to Viper and Stoney. “This shit just got a hell of a lot more interesting.”

“Yeah, and now, we know who the head fucker is. But if I’m a betting man, he already knows we’re not about to let him get anywhere near Jamie or Victoria. He’ll move onto his next target,” Stoney remarks and pulls his phone out. “I better let Chains know. He’ll need to know what’s happened here and to be on the lookout.”

“Might want to hold off on telling him everything until we’ve talked to Valentine ourselves,” Viper suggests.

Stoney nods and jerks his chin toward the clubhouse. “Let’s get back inside and find out what else is going on. Make sure the other clubwhores are okay.”

“I’d like to know how they all ended up drugged,” I grunt and stare ahead of me.

“We’ll find that out as well,” Blaze adds. “We’ve got a lot of that to do, and if what Raven said this morning is true, things aren’t over yet. Not by a long shot. This day is going to be one hell of a shitshow.”

Well, fuck. If Raven thinks that, then there’s no denying it. She’s got her mom’s gifts, and we’ve learned to listen when she tells us what the winds whisper to her. I’d have thought it freaky, but I’ve seen it’s not bullshit.

The rest of us make it inside to find the ol’ ladies tending to the clubwhores. Noelle’s sitting next to Lips, having her drink a glass of water while she’s talking to her.

Seeing the way she’s being attentive even after what just happened to her, I clutch at my chest, and I want nothing more than to carry her off to my room and show her what she makes me feel.

To my surprise, Bride walks up next to Noelle and takes a seat, laying her head on Noelle’s shoulder. Seeing the two of them together does something to my chest. Before I can do anything else right now, I need to make sure that both of them are good. That what’s happened today hasn’t done more damage to their mental health.

After I find out what’s going on because we also still have that meet with Mateo to take, and I’m not sure what the hell to expect.



Staring across the room, I watch as Cyprus makes his way toward Bride and me. Never in my entire life have I thought about seeing another dead body, but after the guys left, chasing after Victoria, I saw Daisy lying there, eyes still open and staring into the abyss. I feel like I should be upset over her death; however, the only thing that I feel is pity. Pity for the life she should have had and not being a vindictive bitch.

These aren’t thoughts that I like to have, and I wish I could think otherwise. Unfortunately, that’s not the case.

A prospect took care of the body while another cleaned up the area where she’d been lying. Rachel went and got Bride for me while I helped the others with the drugged-out women. Having been around enough junkies, I suggest they be given water and lots of it to help flush whatever they’re on out of their system. I don’t know if this actually works, but it always helps those I’ve been around. That and cold showers.

Bride joined me and has all but stayed glued to my side. She only went out of my sight for the briefest moment, which get her own bottle of water.

Cyprus makes it to our side and cups Bride’s cheek and runs his other hand through my hair. “You both doing okay?”

Bride nods and looks between the two of us. “Can we get pizza tonight and watchThe Princess Bride?”

“Yeah, Punk, we can do that,” Cyprus agrees though I’m sure he only agrees because of everything, otherwise, he’d be protesting the movie choice. Bringing his gaze to mine, he eyes me closely. “Elle?”

“I’m okay. We’re just helping to make sure these women are okay.” I explain, though I know I don’t have to.
